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[오픈소스] Nagios XI Installation



Nagios XI Installation


Downloading the Latest Release

cd /tmp

wget http://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagiosxi/xi-latest.tar.gz


Installing XI From The Installation Archive

tar xzf xi-latest.tar.gz


Installation Steps

cd /tmp/nagiosxi




This will automatically take care of a number of things for you, including

Modifying the yum configuration and installing prerequisite packages

Creating required uses and groups

Initializing PostgreSQL and MySQL databases, and set the MySQL root password to 'nagiosxi'

Modifying sudoers and iptables to allow certain commands and traffic

Installing backup scripts for the databases

Adjusting PHP settings and installing the SourceGuardian PHP loaders for encrypted files

Compiling and installing various components, including Nagios Core, the plugins, NDOUtils, PNP, webinject, etc.

Installing the Nagios XI scripts and PHP files in /usr/local/nagiosxi

Installing cron jobs for the root and nagios users

Setting appropriate services to start in runlevels 3 and 5 and starting them now

Importing base object definitions (templates, commands, etc.) into NagiosQL for use with Nagios Core

Installing a welcome page in the root webserver directory /var/www/html






Nagios XI – Manual Installation Instructions



Administrator Guide(System Configuration)



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