[보안] rootkit hunter (rkhunter) 설치
1. Rootkit 설치 옵션 설정
Rootkit Hunter installer 1.2.13
Usage: ./installer.sh <parameters>
Ordered valid parameters:
--help (-h) : Show this help.
--examples : Show layout examples.
--layout <value> : Choose installation template.
The templates are:
- default: (FHS compliant; the default)
- /usr
- /usr/local
- oldschool: old version file locations
- custom: supply your own installation directory
- RPM: for building RPM's. Requires $RPM_BUILD_ROOT.
- DEB: for building DEB's. Requires $DEB_BUILD_ROOT.
- TGZ: for building Slackware TGZ's. Requires $TGZ_BUILD_ROOT.
--striproot : Strip path from custom layout (for package maintainers).
--install : Install according to chosen layout.
--overwrite : Overwrite the existing configuration file.
(Default is to create a separate configuration file.)
--show : Show chosen layout.
--remove : Uninstall according to chosen layout.
--version : Show the installer version.
2. 설치
[root@byungun rkhunter-1.3.6]# ./installer.sh --layout default --install
3. rkhunter 실행
[root@byungun rkhunter-1.3.6]# rkhunter -c
4. crontab 등록
# Rkhunter
0 1 1 * * /usr/local/bin/rkhunter -c --cronjob 2>&1 | mail -s "webhosting11 RKHUNTER" scbyun@secdns.co.kr