
서비스 이름 및 전송 프로토콜 포트 번호 레지스트리

변군이글루 2013. 7. 24. 00:04

서비스 이름 및 전송 프로토콜 포트 번호 레지스트리(well known ports)

세 가지 분류

  • system ports(well known 포트) : 0 - 1023
  • user ports(registered 포트) : 1024 - 49151
  • dynamic 및 private 포트 : 49152 - 65535

리눅스 서비스 포트

0 TCP  Reserved
0 UDP  Reserved
1 TCP tcpmux TCP Port Service Multiplexer Breach, SocketsDeTroie
1 UDP tcpmux TCP Port Service Multiplexer Sockets des Troie, SocketsDeTroie
2 TCP compressnet Management Utility Death
2 UDP compressnet Management Utility
3 TCP compressnet Compression Process
3 UDP compressnet Compression Process
5 TCP rje Remote Job Entry
5 UDP rje Remote Job Entry
7 TCP echo Echo
7 UDP echo Echo
9 TCP discard Discard
9 UDP discard Discard
11 TCP systat Active Users
11 UDP systat Active Users
13 TCP daytime Daytime (RFC 867)
13 UDP daytime Daytime (RFC 867)
15 TCP   B2
17 TCP qotd Quote of the Day
17 UDP qotd Quote of the Day
18 TCP msp Message Send Protocol
18 UDP msp Message Send Protocol
19 TCP chargen Character Generator
19 UDP chargen Character Generator
20 TCP ftp-data File Transfer [Default Data] Senna Spy FTP server
20 UDP ftp-data File Transfer [Default Data]
21 TCP ftp File Transfer [Control] Back Construction, Blade Runner, Cattivik FTP Server, CC Invader, Dark FTP, Doly Trojan, Fore, FreddyK, Invisible FTP, Juggernaut 42, Larva, MotIv FTP, Net Administrator, Ramen, RTB 666, Senna Spy FTP server, The Flu, Traitor 21, WebEx, WinCrash
21 UDP ftp File Transfer [Control]
22 TCP ssh SSH Remote Login Protocol Adore sshd, Shaft
22 UDP ssh SSH Remote Login Protocol
23 TCP telnet Telnet ADM worm, Fire HacKer, My Very Own trojan, RTB 666, Telnet Pro, Tiny Telnet Server - TTS, Truva Atl
23 UDP telnet Telnet
24 TCP  any private mail system Back Orifice 2000 (BO2K) Control Port
24 UDP  any private mail system
25 TCP smtp Simple Mail Transfer Ajan, Antigen, Barok, BSE, Email Password Sender - EPS, EPS II, Gip, Gris, Happy99, Hpteam mail, Hybris, I love you, Kuang2, Magic Horse, MBT (Mail Bombing Trojan), Moscow Email trojan, Naebi, NewApt worm, ProMail trojan, Shtirlitz, Stealth, Stukach, Tapiras, Terminator, WinPC, WinSpy
25 UDP smtp Simple Mail Transfer
27 TCP nsw-fe NSW User System FE
27 UDP nsw-fe NSW User System FE
28 TCP   Amanda
29 TCP msg-icp MSG ICP
29 UDP msg-icp MSG ICP
30 TCP   Agent 40421
31 TCP msg-auth MSG Authentication Agent 31, Hackers Paradise, Masters Paradise, MastersParadise
31 UDP msg-auth MSG Authentication
33 TCP dsp Display Support Protocol
33 UDP dsp Display Support Protocol
35 TCP  any private printer server
35 UDP  any private printer server
37 TCP time Time
37 UDP time Time
38 TCP rap Route Access Protocol
38 UDP rap Route Access Protocol
39 TCP rlp Resource Location Protocol SubSARI
39 UDP rlp Resource Location Protocol
41 TCP graphics Graphics Deep Throat, Foreplay or Reduced Foreplay
41 UDP graphics Graphics
42 TCP nameserver Host Name Server
42 UDP nameserver Host Name Server
43 TCP nicname Who Is
43 UDP nicname Who Is
44 TCP mpm-flags MPM FLAGS Protocol Arctic
44 UDP mpm-flags MPM FLAGS Protocol
45 TCP mpm Message Processing Module [recv]
45 UDP mpm Message Processing Module [recv]
46 TCP mpm-snd MPM [default send]
46 UDP mpm-snd MPM [default send]
47 TCP ni-ftp NI FTP
47 UDP ni-ftp NI FTP
48 TCP auditd Digital Audit Daemon DRAT
48 UDP auditd Digital Audit Daemon
49 TCP tacacs Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
49 UDP tacacs Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
50 TCP re-mail-ck Remote Mail Checking Protocol DRAT
50 UDP re-mail-ck Remote Mail Checking Protocol
51 TCP la-maint IMP Logical Address Maintenance
51 UDP la-maint IMP Logical Address Maintenance
52 TCP xns-time XNS Time Protocol
52 UDP xns-time XNS Time Protocol
53 TCP domain Domain Name Server ADM worm, Lion
53 UDP domain Domain Name Server
54 TCP xns-ch XNS Clearinghouse
54 UDP xns-ch XNS Clearinghouse
55 TCP isi-gl ISI Graphics Language
55 UDP isi-gl ISI Graphics Language
56 TCP xns-auth XNS Authentication
56 UDP xns-auth XNS Authentication
57 TCP  any private terminal access
57 UDP  any private terminal access
58 TCP xns-mail XNS Mail DMSetup
58 UDP xns-mail XNS Mail
59 TCP  any private file service DMSetup
59 UDP  any private file service
60 TCP  Unassigned
60 UDP  Unassigned
61 TCP ni-mail NI MAIL
61 UDP ni-mail NI MAIL
62 TCP acas ACA Services
62 UDP acas ACA Services
63 TCP whois++ whois++
63 UDP whois++ whois++
64 TCP covia Communications Integrator (CI)
64 UDP covia Communications Integrator (CI)
65 TCP tacacs-ds TACACS-Database Service
65 UDP tacacs-ds TACACS-Database Service
66 TCP sql*net Oracle SQL*NET
66 UDP sql*net Oracle SQL*NET
67 TCP bootps Bootstrap Protocol Server
67 UDP bootps Bootstrap Protocol Server
68 TCP bootpc Bootstrap Protocol Client Subseven
68 UDP bootpc Bootstrap Protocol Client
69 TCP tftp Trivial File Transfer BackGate
69 UDP tftp Trivial File Transfer
70 TCP gopher Gopher
70 UDP gopher Gopher
71 TCP netrjs-1 Remote Job Service
71 UDP netrjs-1 Remote Job Service
72 TCP netrjs-2 Remote Job Service
72 UDP netrjs-2 Remote Job Service
73 TCP netrjs-3 Remote Job Service
73 UDP netrjs-3 Remote Job Service
74 TCP netrjs-4 Remote Job Service
74 UDP netrjs-4 Remote Job Service
75 TCP  any private dial out service
75 UDP  any private dial out service
76 TCP deos Distributed External Object Store
76 UDP deos Distributed External Object Store
77 TCP  any private RJE service
77 UDP  any private RJE service
78 TCP vettcp vettcp
78 UDP vettcp vettcp
79 TCP finger Finger CDK, Firehotcker
79 UDP finger Finger
80 TCP www-http World Wide Web HTTP 711 trojan (Seven Eleven), AckCmd, Back End, Back Orifice 2000 Plug-Ins, Cafeini, CGI Backdoor, Code Red, Executor, God Message, God Message 4 Creator, Hooker, IISworm, MTX, NCX, Nimda, Noob, Ramen, Reverse WWW Tunnel Backdoor, RingZero, RTB 666, Seeker, WAN Remote, Web Server CT, WebDownloader
80 UDP www-http World Wide Web HTTP
81 TCP hosts2-ns HOSTS2 Name Server RemoConChubo
81 UDP hosts2-ns HOSTS2 Name Server
82 TCP xfer XFER Utility
82 UDP xfer XFER Utility
83 TCP mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device
83 UDP mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device
84 TCP ctf Common Trace Facility
84 UDP ctf Common Trace Facility
85 TCP mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device
85 UDP mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device
86 TCP mfcobol Micro Focus Cobol
86 UDP mfcobol Micro Focus Cobol
87 TCP  any private terminal link
87 UDP  any private terminal link
88 TCP kerberos Kerberos
88 UDP kerberos Kerberos
89 TCP su-mit-tg SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
89 UDP su-mit-tg SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
90 TCP dnsix DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
90 UDP dnsix DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
91 TCP mit-dov MIT Dover Spooler
91 UDP mit-dov MIT Dover Spooler
92 TCP npp Network Printing Protocol
92 UDP npp Network Printing Protocol
93 TCP dcp Device Control Protocol
93 UDP dcp Device Control Protocol
94 TCP objcall Tivoli Object Dispatcher
94 UDP objcall Tivoli Object Dispatcher
95 TCP supdup SUPDUP
95 UDP supdup SUPDUP
96 TCP dixie DIXIE Protocol Specification
96 UDP dixie DIXIE Protocol Specification
97 TCP swift-rvf Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol
97 UDP swift-rvf Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol
98 TCP tacnews TAC News
98 UDP tacnews TAC News
99 TCP metagram Metagram Relay Hidden Port, Mandragore, NCX
99 UDP metagram Metagram Relay
100 TCP newacct [unauthorized use]
101 TCP hostname NIC Host Name Server
101 UDP hostname NIC Host Name Server
102 TCP iso-tsap ISO-TSAP Class 0
102 UDP iso-tsap ISO-TSAP Class 0
103 TCP gppitnp Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
103 UDP gppitnp Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
104 TCP acr-nema ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
104 UDP acr-nema ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
105 TCP csnet-ns Mailbox Name Nameserver
105 UDP csnet-ns Mailbox Name Nameserver
106 TCP 3com-tsmux 3COM-TSMUX
106 UDP 3com-tsmux 3COM-TSMUX
107 TCP rtelnet Remote Telnet Service
107 UDP rtelnet Remote Telnet Service
108 TCP snagas SNA Gateway Access Server
108 UDP snagas SNA Gateway Access Server
109 TCP pop2 Post Office Protocol - Version 2
109 UDP pop2 Post Office Protocol - Version 2
110 TCP pop3 Post Office Protocol - Version 3 ProMail trojan
110 UDP pop3 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
111 TCP sunrpc SUN Remote Procedure Call
111 UDP sunrpc SUN Remote Procedure Call
112 TCP mcidas McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
112 UDP mcidas McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
113 TCP auth Authentication Service Invisible Identd Deamon, Kazimas
113 UDP auth Authentication Service
115 TCP sftp Simple File Transfer Protocol
115 UDP sftp Simple File Transfer Protocol
116 TCP ansanotify ANSA REX Notify
116 UDP ansanotify ANSA REX Notify
117 TCP uucp-path UUCP Path Service
117 UDP uucp-path UUCP Path Service
118 TCP sqlserv SQL Services
118 UDP sqlserv SQL Services
119 TCP nntp Network News Transfer Protocol Happy99
119 UDP nntp Network News Transfer Protocol
120 TCP cfdptkt CFDPTKT
120 UDP cfdptkt CFDPTKT
121 TCP erpc Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call Attack Bot, God Message, JammerKillah
121 UDP erpc Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
122 TCP smakynet SMAKYNET
122 UDP smakynet SMAKYNET
123 TCP ntp Network Time Protocol Net Controller
123 UDP ntp Network Time Protocol
124 TCP ansatrader ANSA REX Trader
124 UDP ansatrader ANSA REX Trader
125 TCP locus-map Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
125 UDP locus-map Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
126 TCP nxedit NXEdit
126 UDP nxedit NXEdit
127 TCP locus-con Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
127 UDP locus-con Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
128 TCP gss-xlicen GSS X License Verification
128 UDP gss-xlicen GSS X License Verification
129 TCP pwdgen Password Generator Protocol
129 UDP pwdgen Password Generator Protocol
130 TCP cisco-fna cisco FNATIVE
130 UDP cisco-fna cisco FNATIVE
131 TCP cisco-tna cisco TNATIVE
131 UDP cisco-tna cisco TNATIVE
132 TCP cisco-sys cisco SYSMAINT
132 UDP cisco-sys cisco SYSMAINT
133 TCP statsrv Statistics Service Faranz, port 146 - Infector, Farnaz
133 UDP statsrv Statistics Service
134 TCP ingres-net INGRES-NET Service
134 UDP ingres-net INGRES-NET Service
135 TCP epmap DCE endpoint resolution W32.Blaster.Worm, W32/Lovsan.worm
135 UDP epmap DCE endpoint resolution
136 TCP profile PROFILE Naming System
136 UDP profile PROFILE Naming System
137 TCP netbios-ns NETBIOS Name Service Chode
137 UDP netbios-ns NETBIOS Name Service Msinit, Qaz, OpaSoft
138 TCP netbios-dgm NETBIOS Datagram Service Chode
138 UDP netbios-dgm NETBIOS Datagram Service
139 TCP netbios-ssn NETBIOS Session Service Chode, God Message worm, Msinit, Netlog, Network, Qaz, Sadmind, SMB Relay
139 UDP netbios-ssn NETBIOS Session Service
140 TCP emfis-data EMFIS Data Service
140 UDP emfis-data EMFIS Data Service
141 TCP emfis-cntl EMFIS Control Service
141 UDP emfis-cntl EMFIS Control Service
142 TCP bl-idm Britton-Lee IDM NetTaxi
142 UDP bl-idm Britton-Lee IDM
143 TCP imap Internet Message Access Protocol
143 UDP imap Internet Message Access Protocol
144 TCP uma Universal Management Architecture
144 UDP uma Universal Management Architecture
145 TCP uaac UAAC Protocol
145 UDP uaac UAAC Protocol
146 TCP iso-tp0 ISO-IP0 Infector
146 UDP iso-tp0 ISO-IP0 Infector
147 TCP iso-ip ISO-IP
147 UDP iso-ip ISO-IP
148 TCP jargon Jargon
148 UDP jargon Jargon
149 TCP aed-512 AED 512 Emulation Service
149 UDP aed-512 AED 512 Emulation Service
150 TCP sql-net SQL-NET
150 UDP sql-net SQL-NET
151 TCP hems HEMS
151 UDP hems HEMS
152 TCP bftp Background File Transfer Program
152 UDP bftp Background File Transfer Program
153 TCP sgmp SGMP
153 UDP sgmp SGMP
154 TCP netsc-prod NETSC
154 UDP netsc-prod NETSC
155 TCP netsc-dev NETSC
155 UDP netsc-dev NETSC
156 TCP sqlsrv SQL Service
156 UDP sqlsrv SQL Service
157 TCP knet-cmp KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
157 UDP knet-cmp KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
158 TCP pcmail-srv PCMail Server
158 UDP pcmail-srv PCMail Server
159 TCP nss-routing NSS-Routing
159 UDP nss-routing NSS-Routing
160 TCP sgmp-traps SGMP-TRAPS
160 UDP sgmp-traps SGMP-TRAPS
161 TCP snmp SNMP
161 UDP snmp SNMP
162 TCP snmptrap SNMPTRAP
162 UDP snmptrap SNMPTRAP
163 TCP cmip-man CMIP/TCP Manager
163 UDP cmip-man CMIP/TCP Manager
164 TCP cmip-agent CMIP/TCP Agent
164 UDP cmip-agent CMIP/TCP Agent
165 TCP xns-courier Xerox
165 UDP xns-courier Xerox
166 TCP s-net Sirius Systems NokNok
166 UDP s-net Sirius Systems
167 TCP namp NAMP
167 UDP namp NAMP
168 TCP rsvd RSVD
168 UDP rsvd RSVD
169 TCP send SEND
169 UDP send SEND
170 TCP print-srv Network PostScript A-trojan
170 UDP print-srv Network PostScript
171 TCP multiplex Network Innovations Multiplex ATrojan
171 UDP multiplex Network Innovations Multiplex
172 TCP cl/1 Network Innovations CL/1
172 UDP cl/1 Network Innovations CL/1
173 TCP xyplex-mux Xyplex
173 UDP xyplex-mux Xyplex
174 TCP mailq MAILQ
174 UDP mailq MAILQ
175 TCP vmnet VMNET
175 UDP vmnet VMNET
176 TCP genrad-mux GENRAD-MUX
176 UDP genrad-mux GENRAD-MUX
177 TCP xdmcp X Display Manager Control Protocol
177 UDP xdmcp X Display Manager Control Protocol
178 TCP nextstep NextStep Window Server
178 UDP nextstep NextStep Window Server
179 TCP bgp Border Gateway Protocol
179 UDP bgp Border Gateway Protocol
180 TCP ris Intergraph
180 UDP ris Intergraph
181 TCP unify Unify
181 UDP unify Unify
182 TCP audit Unisys Audit SITP
182 UDP audit Unisys Audit SITP
183 TCP ocbinder OCBinder
183 UDP ocbinder OCBinder
184 TCP ocserver OCServer
184 UDP ocserver OCServer
185 TCP remote-kis Remote-KIS
185 UDP remote-kis Remote-KIS
186 TCP kis KIS Protocol
186 UDP kis KIS Protocol
187 TCP aci Application Communication Interface
187 UDP aci Application Communication Interface
188 TCP mumps Plus Five's MUMPS
188 UDP mumps Plus Five's MUMPS
189 TCP qft Queued File Transport
189 UDP qft Queued File Transport
190 TCP gacp Gateway Access Control Protocol
190 UDP gacp Gateway Access Control Protocol
191 TCP prospero Prospero Directory Service
191 UDP prospero Prospero Directory Service
192 TCP osu-nms OSU Network Monitoring System
192 UDP osu-nms OSU Network Monitoring System
193 TCP srmp Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
193 UDP srmp Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
194 TCP irc Internet Relay Chat Protocol
194 UDP irc Internet Relay Chat Protocol
195 TCP dn6-nlm-aud DNSIX Network Level Module Audit
195 UDP dn6-nlm-aud DNSIX Network Level Module Audit
196 TCP dn6-smm-red DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
196 UDP dn6-smm-red DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
197 TCP dls Directory Location Service
197 UDP dls Directory Location Service
198 TCP dls-mon Directory Location Service Monitor
198 UDP dls-mon Directory Location Service Monitor
199 TCP smux SMUX
199 UDP smux SMUX
200 TCP src IBM System Resource Controller
200 UDP src IBM System Resource Controller
201 TCP at-rtmp AppleT!alk Routing Maintenance
201 UDP at-rtmp AppleT!alk Routing Maintenance
202 TCP at-nbp AppleT!alk Name Binding
202 UDP at-nbp AppleT!alk Name Binding
203 TCP at-3 AppleT!alk Unused
203 UDP at-3 AppleT!alk Unused
204 TCP at-echo AppleT!alk Echo
204 UDP at-echo AppleT!alk Echo
205 TCP at-5 AppleT!alk Unused
205 UDP at-5 AppleT!alk Unused
206 TCP at-zis AppleT!alk Zone Information
206 UDP at-zis AppleT!alk Zone Information
207 TCP at-7 AppleT!alk Unused
207 UDP at-7 AppleT!alk Unused
208 TCP at-8 AppleT!alk Unused
208 UDP at-8 AppleT!alk Unused
209 TCP qmtp The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
209 UDP qmtp The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
210 TCP z39.50 ANSI Z39.50
210 UDP z39.50 ANSI Z39.50
211 TCP 914c/g Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
211 UDP 914c/g Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
213 TCP ipx IPX
213 UDP ipx IPX
214 TCP vmpwscs VM PWSCS
214 UDP vmpwscs VM PWSCS
215 TCP softpc Insignia Solutions
215 UDP softpc Insignia Solutions
216 TCP CAIlic Computer Associates Int'l License Server
216 UDP CAIlic Computer Associates Int'l License Server
217 TCP dbase dBASE Unix
217 UDP dbase dBASE Unix
218 TCP mpp Netix Message Posting Protocol
218 UDP mpp Netix Message Posting Protocol
219 TCP uarps Unisys ARPs
219 UDP uarps Unisys ARPs
220 TCP imap3 Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
220 UDP imap3 Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
221 TCP fln-spx Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
221 UDP fln-spx Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
222 TCP rsh-spx Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
222 UDP rsh-spx Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
223 TCP cdc Certificate Distribution Center
223 UDP cdc Certificate Distribution Center
224 TCP masqdialer masqdialer
224 UDP masqdialer masqdialer
242 TCP direct Direct
242 UDP direct Direct
243 TCP sur-meas Survey Measurement
243 UDP sur-meas Survey Measurement
244 TCP inbusiness inbusiness
244 UDP inbusiness inbusiness
245 TCP link LINK
245 UDP link LINK
246 TCP dsp3270 Display Systems Protocol
246 UDP dsp3270 Display Systems Protocol
247 TCP subntbcst_tftp SUBNTBCST_TFTP
247 UDP subntbcst_tftp SUBNTBCST_TFTP
248 TCP bhfhs bhfhs
248 UDP bhfhs bhfhs
256 TCP rap RAP
256 UDP rap RAP
257 TCP set Secure Electronic Transaction
257 UDP set Secure Electronic Transaction
258 TCP yak-chat Yak Winsock Personal Chat
258 UDP yak-chat Yak Winsock Personal Chat
259 TCP esro-gen Efficient Short Remote Operations
259 UDP esro-gen Efficient Short Remote Operations
260 TCP openport Openport
260 UDP openport Openport
261 TCP nsiiops IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL
261 UDP nsiiops IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL
262 TCP arcisdms Arcisdms
262 UDP arcisdms Arcisdms
263 TCP hdap HDAP
263 UDP hdap HDAP
264 TCP bgmp BGMP
264 UDP bgmp BGMP
265 TCP x-bone-ctl X-Bone CTL
265 UDP x-bone-ctl X-Bone CTL
266 TCP sst SCSI on ST
266 UDP sst SCSI on ST
267 TCP td-service Tobit David Service Layer
267 UDP td-service Tobit David Service Layer
268 TCP td-replica Tobit David Replica
268 UDP td-replica Tobit David Replica
280 TCP http-mgmt http-mgmt
280 UDP http-mgmt http-mgmt
281 TCP personal-link Personal Link
281 UDP personal-link Personal Link
282 TCP cableport-ax Cable Port A/X
282 UDP cableport-ax Cable Port A/X
283 TCP rescap rescap
283 UDP rescap rescap
284 TCP corerjd corerjd
284 UDP corerjd corerjd
285 TCP   WCTrojan
286 TCP fxp FXP Communication WCTrojan
286 UDP fxp FXP Communication
287 TCP k-block K-BLOCK
287 UDP k-block K-BLOCK
308 TCP novastorbakcup Novastor Backup
308 UDP novastorbakcup Novastor Backup
309 TCP entrusttime EntrustTime
309 UDP entrusttime EntrustTime
310 TCP bhmds bhmds
310 UDP bhmds bhmds
311 TCP asip-webadmin AppleShare IP WebAdmin
311 UDP asip-webadmin AppleShare IP WebAdmin
312 TCP vslmp VSLMP
312 UDP vslmp VSLMP
313 TCP magenta-logic Magenta Logic
313 UDP magenta-logic Magenta Logic
314 TCP opalis-robot Opalis Robot
314 UDP opalis-robot Opalis Robot
315 TCP dpsi DPSI
315 UDP dpsi DPSI
316 TCP decauth decAuth
316 UDP decauth decAuth
317 TCP zannet Zannet
317 UDP zannet Zannet
318 TCP pkix-timestamp PKIX TimeStamp
318 UDP pkix-timestamp PKIX TimeStamp
319 TCP ptp-event PTP Event
319 UDP ptp-event PTP Event
320 TCP ptp-general PTP General
320 UDP ptp-general PTP General
321 TCP pip PIP
321 UDP pip PIP
322 TCP rtsps RTSPS
322 UDP rtsps RTSPS
333 TCP texar Texar Security Port
333 UDP texar Texar Security Port
334 TCP   Backage
344 TCP pdap Prospero Data Access Protocol
344 UDP pdap Prospero Data Access Protocol
345 TCP pawserv Perf Analysis Workbench
345 UDP pawserv Perf Analysis Workbench
346 TCP zserv Zebra server
346 UDP zserv Zebra server
347 TCP fatserv Fatmen Server
347 UDP fatserv Fatmen Server
348 TCP csi-sgwp Cabletron Management Protocol
348 UDP csi-sgwp Cabletron Management Protocol
349 TCP mftp mftp
349 UDP mftp mftp
350 TCP matip-type-a MATIP Type A
350 UDP matip-type-a MATIP Type A
351 TCP bhoetty bhoetty (added 5/21/97)
351 UDP bhoetty bhoetty
352 TCP bhoedap4 bhoedap4 (added 5/21/97)
352 UDP bhoedap4 bhoedap4
353 TCP ndsauth NDSAUTH
353 UDP ndsauth NDSAUTH
354 TCP bh611 bh611
354 UDP bh611 bh611
355 TCP datex-asn DATEX-ASN
355 UDP datex-asn DATEX-ASN
356 TCP cloanto-net-1 Cloanto Net 1
356 UDP cloanto-net-1 Cloanto Net 1
357 TCP bhevent bhevent
357 UDP bhevent bhevent
358 TCP shrinkwrap Shrinkwrap
358 UDP shrinkwrap Shrinkwrap
359 TCP nsrmp Network Security Risk Management Protocol
359 UDP nsrmp Network Security Risk Management Protocol
360 TCP scoi2odialog scoi2odialog
360 UDP scoi2odialog scoi2odialog
361 TCP semantix Semantix
361 UDP semantix Semantix
362 TCP srssend SRS Send
362 UDP srssend SRS Send
363 TCP rsvp_tunnel RSVP Tunnel
363 UDP rsvp_tunnel RSVP Tunnel
364 TCP aurora-cmgr Aurora CMGR
364 UDP aurora-cmgr Aurora CMGR
365 TCP dtk DTK
365 UDP dtk DTK
366 TCP odmr ODMR
366 UDP odmr ODMR
367 TCP mortgageware MortgageWare
367 UDP mortgageware MortgageWare
368 TCP qbikgdp QbikGDP
368 UDP qbikgdp QbikGDP
369 TCP rpc2portmap rpc2portmap
369 UDP rpc2portmap rpc2portmap
370 TCP codaauth2 codaauth2 NeuroticKat
370 UDP codaauth2 codaauth2
371 TCP clearcase Clearcase
371 UDP clearcase Clearcase
372 TCP ulistproc ListProcessor
372 UDP ulistproc ListProcessor
373 TCP legent-1 Legent Corporation
373 UDP legent-1 Legent Corporation
374 TCP legent-2 Legent Corporation
374 UDP legent-2 Legent Corporation
375 TCP hassle Hassle
375 UDP hassle Hassle
376 TCP nip Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto
376 UDP nip Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto
377 TCP tnETOS NEC Corporation
377 UDP tnETOS NEC Corporation
378 TCP dsETOS NEC Corporation
378 UDP dsETOS NEC Corporation
379 TCP is99c TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
379 UDP is99c TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
380 TCP is99s TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
380 UDP is99s TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
381 TCP hp-collector hp performance data collector
381 UDP hp-collector hp performance data collector
382 TCP hp-managed-node hp performance data managed node
382 UDP hp-managed-node hp performance data managed node
383 TCP hp-alarm-mgr hp performance data alarm manager
383 UDP hp-alarm-mgr hp performance data alarm manager
384 TCP arns A Remote Network Server System
384 UDP arns A Remote Network Server System
385 TCP ibm-app IBM Application
385 UDP ibm-app IBM Application
386 TCP asa ASA Message Router Object Def.
386 UDP asa ASA Message Router Object Def.
387 TCP aurp Applet!alk Update-Based Routing Pro.
387 UDP aurp Applet!alk Update-Based Routing Pro.
388 TCP unidata-ldm Unidata LDM
388 UDP unidata-ldm Unidata LDM
389 TCP ldap Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
389 UDP ldap Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
390 TCP uis UIS
390 UDP uis UIS
391 TCP synotics-relay SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
391 UDP synotics-relay SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
392 TCP synotics-broker SynOptics Port Broker Port
392 UDP synotics-broker SynOptics Port Broker Port
393 TCP meta5 Meta5
393 UDP meta5 Meta5
394 TCP embl-ndt EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
394 UDP embl-ndt EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
395 TCP netcp NETscout Control Protocol
395 UDP netcp NETscout Control Protocol
396 TCP netware-ip Novell Netware over IP
396 UDP netware-ip Novell Netware over IP
397 TCP mptn Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
397 UDP mptn Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
398 TCP kryptolan Kryptolan
398 UDP kryptolan Kryptolan
399 TCP iso-tsap-c2 ISO Transport Class 2 Non-Control over TCP
399 UDP iso-tsap-c2 ISO Transport Class 2 Non-Control over UDP
400 TCP work-sol Workstation Solutions
400 UDP work-sol Workstation Solutions
401 TCP ups Uninterruptible Power Supply
401 UDP ups Uninterruptible Power Supply
402 TCP genie Genie Protocol
402 UDP genie Genie Protocol
403 TCP decap decap
403 UDP decap decap
404 TCP nced nced
404 UDP nced nced
405 TCP ncld ncld
405 UDP ncld ncld
406 TCP imsp Interactive Mail Support Protocol
406 UDP imsp Interactive Mail Support Protocol
407 TCP timbuktu Timbuktu
407 UDP timbuktu Timbuktu
408 TCP prm-sm Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
408 UDP prm-sm Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
409 TCP prm-nm Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.
409 UDP prm-nm Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.
410 TCP decladebug DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
410 UDP decladebug DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
411 TCP rmt Remote MT Protocol Backage
411 UDP rmt Remote MT Protocol
412 TCP synoptics-trap Trap Convention Port
412 UDP synoptics-trap Trap Convention Port
413 TCP smsp Storage Management Services Protocol Coma
413 UDP smsp Storage Management Services Protocol
414 TCP infoseek InfoSeek
414 UDP infoseek InfoSeek
415 TCP bnet BNet
415 UDP bnet BNet
416 TCP silverplatter Silverplatter
416 UDP silverplatter Silverplatter
417 TCP onmux Onmux
417 UDP onmux Onmux
418 TCP hyper-g Hyper-G
418 UDP hyper-g Hyper-G
419 TCP ariel1 Ariel 1
419 UDP ariel1 Ariel 1
420 TCP smpte SMPTE Breach, Incognito
420 UDP smpte SMPTE
421 TCP ariel2 Ariel 2 TCP Wrappers trojan
421 UDP ariel2 Ariel 2
422 TCP ariel3 Ariel 3
422 UDP ariel3 Ariel 3
423 TCP opc-job-start IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
423 UDP opc-job-start IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
424 TCP opc-job-track IBM Operations Planning and Control Track
424 UDP opc-job-track IBM Operations Planning and Control Track
425 TCP icad-el ICAD
425 UDP icad-el ICAD
426 TCP smartsdp smartsdp
426 UDP smartsdp smartsdp
427 TCP svrloc Server Location
427 UDP svrloc Server Location
428 TCP ocs_cmu OCS_CMU
428 UDP ocs_cmu OCS_CMU
429 TCP ocs_amu OCS_AMU
429 UDP ocs_amu OCS_AMU
430 TCP utmpsd UTMPSD
430 UDP utmpsd UTMPSD
431 TCP utmpcd UTMPCD
431 UDP utmpcd UTMPCD
432 TCP iasd IASD
432 UDP iasd IASD
433 TCP nnsp NNSP
433 UDP nnsp NNSP
434 TCP mobileip-agent MobileIP-Agent
434 UDP mobileip-agent MobileIP-Agent
435 TCP mobilip-mn MobilIP-MN
435 UDP mobilip-mn MobilIP-MN
436 TCP dna-cml DNA-CML
436 UDP dna-cml DNA-CML
437 TCP comscm comscm
437 UDP comscm comscm
438 TCP dsfgw dsfgw
438 UDP dsfgw dsfgw
439 TCP dasp dasp Thomas Obermair
439 UDP dasp dasp tommy@inlab.m.eunet.de
440 TCP sgcp sgcp
440 UDP sgcp sgcp
441 TCP decvms-sysmgt decvms-sysmgt
441 UDP decvms-sysmgt decvms-sysmgt
442 TCP cvc_hostd cvc_hostd
442 UDP cvc_hostd cvc_hostd
443 TCP https http protocol over TLS/SSL
443 UDP https http protocol over TLS/SSL
444 TCP snpp Simple Network Paging Protocol
444 UDP snpp Simple Network Paging Protocol
445 TCP microsoft-ds Microsoft-DS Lioten, Randon, WORM_DELODER.A, W32/Deloder.A, W32.HLLW.Deloder, Sasser
445 UDP microsoft-ds Microsoft-DS
446 TCP ddm-rdb DDM-Remote Relational Database Access
446 UDP ddm-rdb DDM-Remote Relational Database Access
447 TCP ddm-dfm DDM-Distributed File Management
447 UDP ddm-dfm DDM-Distributed File Management
448 TCP ddm-ssl DDM-Remote DB Access Using Secure Sockets
448 UDP ddm-ssl DDM-Remote DB Access Using Secure Sockets
449 TCP as-servermap AS Server Mapper
449 UDP as-servermap AS Server Mapper
450 TCP tserver Computer Supported Telecomunication Applications
450 UDP tserver Computer Supported Telecomunication Applications
451 TCP sfs-smp-net Cray Network Semaphore server
451 UDP sfs-smp-net Cray Network Semaphore server
452 TCP sfs-config Cray SFS config server
452 UDP sfs-config Cray SFS config server
453 TCP creativeserver CreativeServer
453 UDP creativeserver CreativeServer
454 TCP contentserver ContentServer
454 UDP contentserver ContentServer
455 TCP creativepartnr CreativePartnr Fatal Connections
455 UDP creativepartnr CreativePartnr
456 TCP macon-tcp macon-tcp Hackers Paradise
456 UDP macon-udp macon-udp
457 TCP scohelp scohelp
457 UDP scohelp scohelp
458 TCP appleqtc apple quick time
458 UDP appleqtc apple quick time
459 TCP ampr-rcmd ampr-rcmd
459 UDP ampr-rcmd ampr-rcmd
460 TCP skronk skronk
460 UDP skronk skronk
461 TCP datasurfsrv DataRampSrv
461 UDP datasurfsrv DataRampSrv
462 TCP datasurfsrvsec DataRampSrvSec
462 UDP datasurfsrvsec DataRampSrvSec
463 TCP alpes alpes
463 UDP alpes alpes
464 TCP kpasswd kpasswd
464 UDP kpasswd kpasswd
465 TCP urd URL Rendesvous Directory for SSM
465 UDP igmpv3lite IGMP over UDP for SSM
466 TCP digital-vrc digital-vrc
466 UDP digital-vrc digital-vrc
467 TCP mylex-mapd mylex-mapd
467 UDP mylex-mapd mylex-mapd
468 TCP photuris proturis
468 UDP photuris proturis
469 TCP rcp Radio Control Protocol
469 UDP rcp Radio Control Protocol
470 TCP scx-proxy scx-proxy
470 UDP scx-proxy scx-proxy
471 TCP mondex Mondex
471 UDP mondex Mondex
472 TCP ljk-login ljk-login
472 UDP ljk-login ljk-login
473 TCP hybrid-pop hybrid-pop
473 UDP hybrid-pop hybrid-pop
474 TCP tn-tl-w1 tn-tl-w1
474 UDP tn-tl-w2 tn-tl-w2
475 TCP tcpnethaspsrv tcpnethaspsrv
475 UDP tcpnethaspsrv tcpnethaspsrv
476 TCP tn-tl-fd1 tn-tl-fd1
476 UDP tn-tl-fd1 tn-tl-fd1
477 TCP ss7ns ss7ns
477 UDP ss7ns ss7ns
478 TCP spsc spsc
478 UDP spsc spsc
479 TCP iafserver iafserver
479 UDP iafserver iafserver
480 TCP iafdbase iafdbase
480 UDP iafdbase iafdbase
481 TCP ph Ph service
481 UDP ph Ph service
482 TCP bgs-nsi bgs-nsi
482 UDP bgs-nsi bgs-nsi
483 TCP ulpnet ulpnet
483 UDP ulpnet ulpnet
484 TCP integra-sme Integra Software Management Environment
484 UDP integra-sme Integra Software Management Environment
485 TCP powerburst Air Soft Power Burst
485 UDP powerburst Air Soft Power Burst
486 TCP avian avian
486 UDP avian avian
487 TCP saft saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
487 UDP saft saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
488 TCP gss-http gss-http
488 UDP gss-http gss-http
489 TCP nest-protocol nest-protocol
489 UDP nest-protocol nest-protocol
490 TCP micom-pfs micom-pfs
490 UDP micom-pfs micom-pfs
491 TCP go-login go-login
491 UDP go-login go-login
492 TCP ticf-1 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
492 UDP ticf-1 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
493 TCP ticf-2 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
493 UDP ticf-2 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
494 TCP pov-ray POV-Ray
494 UDP pov-ray POV-Ray
495 TCP intecourier intecourier
495 UDP intecourier intecourier
496 TCP pim-rp-disc PIM-RP-DISC
496 UDP pim-rp-disc PIM-RP-DISC
497 TCP dantz dantz
497 UDP dantz dantz
498 TCP siam siam
498 UDP siam siam
499 TCP iso-ill ISO ILL Protocol
499 UDP iso-ill ISO ILL Protocol
500 TCP isakmp isakmp
500 UDP isakmp isakmp
501 TCP stmf STMF
501 UDP stmf STMF
502 TCP asa-appl-proto asa-appl-proto
502 UDP asa-appl-proto asa-appl-proto
503 TCP intrinsa Intrinsa
503 UDP intrinsa Intrinsa
504 TCP citadel citadel
504 UDP citadel citadel
505 TCP mailbox-lm mailbox-lm
505 UDP mailbox-lm mailbox-lm
506 TCP ohimsrv ohimsrv
506 UDP ohimsrv ohimsrv
507 TCP crs crs
507 UDP crs crs
508 TCP xvttp xvttp
508 UDP xvttp xvttp
509 TCP snare snare
509 UDP snare snare
510 TCP fcp FirstClass Protocol t0rnkit sshd backdoor
510 UDP fcp FirstClass Protocol
511 TCP passgo PassGo T0rn Rootkit
511 UDP passgo PassGo
512 TCP exec remote process execution
512 UDP biff used by mail system to notify users
513 TCP login remote login a la telnet
513 UDP who maintains data bases showing who's
514 TCP shell cmd RPC Backdoor
514 UDP syslog
515 TCP printer spooler lpdw0rm, Ramen
515 UDP printer spooler
516 TCP videotex videotex
516 UDP videotex videotex
517 TCP talk like tenex link, but across
517 UDP talk like tenex link, but across
518 TCP ntalk
518 UDP ntalk
519 TCP utime unixtime
519 UDP utime unixtime
520 TCP efs extended file name server
520 UDP router local routing process (on site)
521 TCP ripng ripng
521 UDP ripng ripng
522 TCP ulp ULP
522 UDP ulp ULP
523 TCP ibm-db2 IBM-DB2
523 UDP ibm-db2 IBM-DB2
524 TCP ncp NCP
524 UDP ncp NCP
525 TCP timed timeserver
525 UDP timed timeserver
526 TCP tempo newdate
526 UDP tempo newdate
527 TCP stx Stock IXChange
527 UDP stx Stock IXChange
528 TCP custix Customer IXChange
528 UDP custix Customer IXChange
529 TCP irc-serv IRC-SERV
529 UDP irc-serv IRC-SERV
530 TCP courier rpc
530 UDP courier rpc
531 TCP conference chat Net666, Rasmin
531 UDP conference chat
532 TCP netnews readnews
532 UDP netnews readnews
533 TCP netwall for emergency broadcasts
533 UDP netwall for emergency broadcasts
534 TCP mm-admin MegaMedia Admin
534 UDP mm-admin MegaMedia Admin
535 TCP iiop iiop
535 UDP iiop iiop
536 TCP opalis-rdv opalis-rdv
536 UDP opalis-rdv opalis-rdv
537 TCP nmsp Networked Media Streaming Protocol
537 UDP nmsp Networked Media Streaming Protocol
538 TCP gdomap gdomap
538 UDP gdomap gdomap
539 TCP apertus-ldp Apertus Technologies Load Determination
539 UDP apertus-ldp Apertus Technologies Load Determination
540 TCP uucp uucpd
540 UDP uucp uucpd
541 TCP uucp-rlogin uucp-rlogin
541 UDP uucp-rlogin uucp-rlogin
542 TCP commerce commerce
542 UDP commerce commerce
543 TCP klogin
543 UDP klogin
544 TCP kshell krcmd
544 UDP kshell krcmd
545 TCP appleqtcsrvr appleqtcsrvr
545 UDP appleqtcsrvr appleqtcsrvr
546 TCP dhcpv6-client DHCPv6 Client
546 UDP dhcpv6-client DHCPv6 Client
547 TCP dhcpv6-server DHCPv6 Server
547 UDP dhcpv6-server DHCPv6 Server
548 TCP afpovertcp AFP over TCP
548 UDP afpovertcp AFP over TCP
549 TCP idfp IDFP
549 UDP idfp IDFP
550 TCP new-rwho new-who
550 UDP new-rwho new-who
551 TCP cybercash cybercash
551 UDP cybercash cybercash
552 TCP devshr-nts DeviceShare
552 UDP devshr-nts DeviceShare
553 TCP pirp pirp
553 UDP pirp pirp
554 TCP rtsp Real Time Stream Control Protocol
554 UDP rtsp Real Time Stream Control Protocol
555 TCP dsf  711 trojan (Seven Eleven), Phase-0, Phase Zero, Net Administrator, Ini-Killer, Stealth Spy, Id2001, PhaseZero, StealthSpy
555 UDP dsf
556 TCP remotefs rfs server
556 UDP remotefs rfs server
557 TCP openvms-sysipc openvms-sysipc
557 UDP openvms-sysipc openvms-sysipc
558 TCP sdnskmp SDNSKMP
558 UDP sdnskmp SDNSKMP
559 TCP teedtap TEEDTAP
559 UDP teedtap TEEDTAP
560 TCP rmonitor rmonitord
560 UDP rmonitor rmonitord
561 TCP monitor
561 UDP monitor
562 TCP chshell chcmd
562 UDP chshell chcmd
563 TCP nntps nntp protocol over TLS/SSL (was snntp)
563 UDP nntps nntp protocol over TLS/SSL (was snntp)
564 TCP 9pfs plan 9 file service
564 UDP 9pfs plan 9 file service
565 TCP whoami whoami
565 UDP whoami whoami
566 TCP streettalk streettalk
566 UDP streettalk streettalk
567 TCP banyan-rpc banyan-rpc
567 UDP banyan-rpc banyan-rpc
568 TCP ms-shuttle microsoft shuttle
568 UDP ms-shuttle microsoft shuttle
569 TCP ms-rome microsoft rome
569 UDP ms-rome microsoft rome
570 TCP meter demon
570 UDP meter demon
571 TCP meter udemon
571 UDP meter udemon
572 TCP sonar sonar
572 UDP sonar sonar
573 TCP banyan-vip banyan-vip
573 UDP banyan-vip banyan-vip
574 TCP ftp-agent FTP Software Agent System
574 UDP ftp-agent FTP Software Agent System
575 TCP vemmi VEMMI
575 UDP vemmi VEMMI
576 TCP ipcd ipcd
576 UDP ipcd ipcd
577 TCP vnas vnas
577 UDP vnas vnas
578 TCP ipdd ipdd
578 UDP ipdd ipdd
579 TCP decbsrv decbsrv
579 UDP decbsrv decbsrv
580 TCP sntp-heartbeat SNTP HEARTBEAT
580 UDP sntp-heartbeat SNTP HEARTBEAT
581 TCP bdp Bundle Discovery Protocol
581 UDP bdp Bundle Discovery Protocol
582 TCP scc-security SCC Security
582 UDP scc-security SCC Security
583 TCP philips-vc Philips Video-Conferencing
583 UDP philips-vc Philips Video-Conferencing
584 TCP keyserver Key Server
584 UDP keyserver Key Server
585 TCP imap4-ssl IMAP4+SSL (use 993 instead)
585 UDP imap4-ssl IMAP4+SSL (use 993 instead)
586 TCP password-chg Password Change
586 UDP password-chg Password Change
587 TCP submission Submission
587 UDP submission Submission
588 TCP cal CAL
588 UDP cal CAL
589 TCP eyelink EyeLink
589 UDP eyelink EyeLink
590 TCP tns-cml TNS CML
590 UDP tns-cml TNS CML
591 TCP http-alt FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80)
591 UDP http-alt FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80)
592 TCP eudora-set Eudora Set
592 UDP eudora-set Eudora Set
593 TCP http-rpc-epmap HTTP RPC Ep Map
593 UDP http-rpc-epmap HTTP RPC Ep Map
594 TCP tpip TPIP
594 UDP tpip TPIP
595 TCP cab-protocol CAB Protocol
595 UDP cab-protocol CAB Protocol
596 TCP smsd SMSD
596 UDP smsd SMSD
597 TCP ptcnameservice PTC Name Service
597 UDP ptcnameservice PTC Name Service
598 TCP sco-websrvrmg3 SCO Web Server Manager 3
598 UDP sco-websrvrmg3 SCO Web Server Manager 3
599 TCP acp Aeolon Core Protocol
599 UDP acp Aeolon Core Protocol
600 TCP ipcserver Sun IPC server Sadmind
600 UDP ipcserver Sun IPC server
601 TCP syslog-conn Reliable Syslog Service
601 UDP syslog-conn Reliable Syslog Service
602 TCP xmlrpc-beep XML-RPC over BEEP
602 UDP xmlrpc-beep XML-RPC over BEEP
603 TCP idxp IDXP
603 UDP idxp IDXP
604 TCP tunnel TUNNEL
604 UDP tunnel TUNNEL
605 TCP soap-beep SOAP over BEEP Secret Service
605 UDP soap-beep SOAP over BEEP
606 TCP urm Cray Unified Resource Manager
606 UDP urm Cray Unified Resource Manager
607 TCP nqs nqs
607 UDP nqs nqs
608 TCP sift-uft Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
608 UDP sift-uft Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
609 TCP npmp-trap npmp-trap
609 UDP npmp-trap npmp-trap
610 TCP npmp-local npmp-local
610 UDP npmp-local npmp-local
611 TCP npmp-gui npmp-gui
611 UDP npmp-gui npmp-gui
612 TCP hmmp-ind HMMP Indication
612 UDP hmmp-ind HMMP Indication
613 TCP hmmp-op HMMP Operation
613 UDP hmmp-op HMMP Operation
614 TCP sshell SSLshell
614 UDP sshell SSLshell
615 TCP sco-inetmgr Internet Configuration Manager
615 UDP sco-inetmgr Internet Configuration Manager
616 TCP sco-sysmgr SCO System Administration Server
616 UDP sco-sysmgr SCO System Administration Server
617 TCP sco-dtmgr SCO Desktop Administration Server
617 UDP sco-dtmgr SCO Desktop Administration Server
618 TCP dei-icda DEI-ICDA
618 UDP dei-icda DEI-ICDA
619 TCP compaq-evm Compaq EVM
619 UDP compaq-evm Compaq EVM
620 TCP sco-websrvrmgr SCO WebServer Manager
620 UDP sco-websrvrmgr SCO WebServer Manager
621 TCP escp-ip ESCP
621 UDP escp-ip ESCP
622 TCP collaborator Collaborator
622 UDP collaborator Collaborator
623 TCP asf-rmcp ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol Rtb666
623 UDP asf-rmcp ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol
624 TCP cryptoadmin Crypto Admin
624 UDP cryptoadmin Crypto Admin
625 TCP dec_dlm DEC DLM
625 UDP dec_dlm DEC DLM
626 TCP asia ASIA
626 UDP asia ASIA
627 TCP passgo-tivoli PassGo Tivoli
627 UDP passgo-tivoli PassGo Tivoli
628 TCP qmqp QMQP
628 UDP qmqp QMQP
629 TCP 3com-amp3 3Com AMP3
629 UDP 3com-amp3 3Com AMP3
630 TCP rda RDA
630 UDP rda RDA
631 TCP ipp IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
631 UDP ipp IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
632 TCP bmpp bmpp
632 UDP bmpp bmpp
633 TCP servstat Service Status update (Sterling Software)
633 UDP servstat Service Status update (Sterling Software)
634 TCP ginad ginad
634 UDP ginad ginad
635 TCP rlzdbase RLZ DBase
635 UDP rlzdbase RLZ DBase
636 TCP ldaps ldap protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap)
636 UDP ldaps ldap protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap)
637 TCP lanserver lanserver
637 UDP lanserver lanserver
638 TCP mcns-sec mcns-sec
638 UDP mcns-sec mcns-sec
639 TCP msdp MSDP
639 UDP msdp MSDP
640 TCP entrust-sps entrust-sps
640 UDP entrust-sps entrust-sps
641 TCP repcmd repcmd
641 UDP repcmd repcmd
642 TCP esro-emsdp ESRO-EMSDP V1.3
642 UDP esro-emsdp ESRO-EMSDP V1.3
643 TCP sanity SANity
643 UDP sanity SANity
644 TCP dwr dwr
644 UDP dwr dwr
645 TCP pssc PSSC
645 UDP pssc PSSC
646 TCP ldp LDP
646 UDP ldp LDP
647 TCP dhcp-failover DHCP Failover
647 UDP dhcp-failover DHCP Failover
648 TCP rrp Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)
648 UDP rrp Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)
649 TCP cadview-3d Cadview-3d - streaming 3d models over the internet
649 UDP cadview-3d Cadview-3d - streaming 3d models over the internet
650 TCP obex OBEX
650 UDP obex OBEX
651 TCP ieee-mms IEEE MMS
651 UDP ieee-mms IEEE MMS
652 TCP hello-port HELLO_PORT
652 UDP hello-port HELLO_PORT
653 TCP repscmd RepCmd
653 UDP repscmd RepCmd
654 TCP aodv AODV
654 UDP aodv AODV
655 TCP tinc TINC
655 UDP tinc TINC
656 TCP spmp SPMP
656 UDP spmp SPMP
657 TCP rmc RMC
657 UDP rmc RMC
658 TCP tenfold TenFold
658 UDP tenfold TenFold
660 TCP mac-srvr-admin MacOS Server Admin Zaratustra
660 UDP mac-srvr-admin MacOS Server Admin
661 TCP hap HAP NokNok
661 UDP hap HAP
662 TCP pftp PFTP
662 UDP pftp PFTP
663 TCP purenoise PureNoise
663 UDP purenoise PureNoise
664 TCP asf-secure-rmcp ASF Secure Remote Management and Control Protocol
664 UDP asf-secure-rmcp ASF Secure Remote Management and Control Protocol
665 TCP sun-dr Sun DR
665 UDP sun-dr Sun DR
666 TCP doom doom Id Software Attack FTP, lpdw0rm, Shadow Phyre, ServU, Satans Back Door - SBD, NokNok, Cain & Abel, Back Construction, BLA trojan, th3r1pp3rz (= Therippers), BackConstruction
666 UDP doom doom Id Software Bla, Noknok
667 TCP disclose campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies SniperNet
667 UDP disclose campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies
668 TCP mecomm MeComm th3r1pp3rz (= Therippers), Unicorn
668 UDP mecomm MeComm
669 TCP meregister MeRegister DP trojan
669 UDP meregister MeRegister
670 TCP vacdsm-sws VACDSM-SWS
670 UDP vacdsm-sws VACDSM-SWS
671 TCP vacdsm-app VACDSM-APP
671 UDP vacdsm-app VACDSM-APP
672 TCP vpps-qua VPPS-QUA
672 UDP vpps-qua VPPS-QUA
673 TCP cimplex CIMPLEX
673 UDP cimplex CIMPLEX
674 TCP acap ACAP
674 UDP acap ACAP
675 TCP dctp DCTP
675 UDP dctp DCTP
676 TCP vpps-via VPPS Via
676 UDP vpps-via VPPS Via
677 TCP vpp Virtual Presence Protocol
677 UDP vpp Virtual Presence Protocol
678 TCP ggf-ncp GNU Generation Foundation NCP
678 UDP ggf-ncp GNU Generation Foundation NCP
679 TCP mrm MRM
679 UDP mrm MRM
680 TCP entrust-aaas entrust-aaas Rtb666
680 UDP entrust-aaas entrust-aaas
681 TCP entrust-aams entrust-aams
681 UDP entrust-aams entrust-aams
682 TCP xfr XFR
682 UDP xfr XFR
683 TCP corba-iiop CORBA IIOP
683 UDP corba-iiop CORBA IIOP
684 TCP corba-iiop-ssl CORBA IIOP SSL
684 UDP corba-iiop-ssl CORBA IIOP SSL
685 TCP mdc-portmapper MDC Port Mapper
685 UDP mdc-portmapper MDC Port Mapper
686 TCP hcp-wismar Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
686 UDP hcp-wismar Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
687 TCP asipregistry asipregistry
687 UDP asipregistry asipregistry
688 TCP realm-rusd REALM-RUSD
688 UDP realm-rusd REALM-RUSD
689 TCP nmap NMAP
689 UDP nmap NMAP
690 TCP vatp VATP
690 UDP vatp VATP
691 TCP msexch-routing MS Exchange Routing
691 UDP msexch-routing MS Exchange Routing
692 TCP hyperwave-isp Hyperwave-ISP GayOL
692 UDP hyperwave-isp Hyperwave-ISP
693 TCP connendp connendp
693 UDP connendp connendp
694 TCP ha-cluster ha-cluster
694 UDP ha-cluster ha-cluster
695 TCP ieee-mms-ssl IEEE-MMS-SSL
695 UDP ieee-mms-ssl IEEE-MMS-SSL
696 TCP rushd RUSHD
696 UDP rushd RUSHD
697 TCP uuidgen UUIDGEN
697 UDP uuidgen UUIDGEN
698 TCP olsr OLSR
698 UDP olsr OLSR
699 TCP accessnetwork Access Network
699 UDP accessnetwork Access Network
700 TCP epp Extensible Provisioning Protocol
700 UDP epp Extensible Provisioning Protocol
701 TCP lmp Link Management Protocol (LMP)
701 UDP lmp Link Management Protocol (LMP)
702 TCP iris-beep IRIS over BEEP
702 UDP iris-beep IRIS over BEEP
704 TCP elcsd errlog copy/server daemon
704 UDP elcsd errlog copy/server daemon
705 TCP agentx AgentX
705 UDP agentx AgentX
706 TCP silc SILC
706 UDP silc SILC
707 TCP borland-dsj Borland DSJ
707 UDP borland-dsj Borland DSJ
709 TCP entrust-kmsh Entrust Key Management Service Handler
709 UDP entrust-kmsh Entrust Key Management Service Handler
710 TCP entrust-ash Entrust Administration Service Handler
710 UDP entrust-ash Entrust Administration Service Handler
711 TCP cisco-tdp Cisco TDP
711 UDP cisco-tdp Cisco TDP
712 TCP tbrpf TBRPF
712 UDP tbrpf TBRPF
729 TCP netviewdm1 IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
729 UDP netviewdm1 IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
730 TCP netviewdm2 IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp TCP
730 UDP netviewdm2 IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp TCP
731 TCP netviewdm3 IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp TCP
731 UDP netviewdm3 IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp TCP
741 TCP netgw netGW
741 UDP netgw netGW
742 TCP netrcs Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.
742 UDP netrcs Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.
744 TCP flexlm Flexible License Manager
744 UDP flexlm Flexible License Manager
747 TCP fujitsu-dev Fujitsu Device Control
747 UDP fujitsu-dev Fujitsu Device Control
748 TCP ris-cm Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager
748 UDP ris-cm Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager
749 TCP kerberos-adm kerberos administration
749 UDP kerberos-adm kerberos administration
750 TCP rfile
750 UDP kerberos-iv kerberos version iv
751 TCP pump
751 UDP pump
752 TCP qrh
752 UDP qrh
753 TCP rrh
753 UDP rrh
754 TCP tell send
754 UDP tell send
758 TCP nlogin
758 UDP nlogin
759 TCP con
759 UDP con
760 TCP ns
760 UDP ns
761 TCP rxe
761 UDP rxe
762 TCP quotad
762 UDP quotad
763 TCP cycleserv
763 UDP cycleserv
764 TCP omserv
764 UDP omserv
765 TCP webster
765 UDP webster
767 TCP phonebook phone
767 UDP phonebook phone
769 TCP vid
769 UDP vid
770 TCP cadlock
770 UDP cadlock
771 TCP rtip
771 UDP rtip
772 TCP cycleserv2
772 UDP cycleserv2
773 TCP submit
773 UDP notify
774 TCP rpasswd
774 UDP acmaint_dbd
775 TCP entomb
775 UDP acmaint_transd
776 TCP wpages
776 UDP wpages
777 TCP multiling-http Multiling HTTP AimSpy, Undetected, Tiny
777 UDP multiling-http Multiling HTTP
780 TCP wpgs
780 UDP wpgs
785 TCP   NetworkTerrorist
800 TCP mdbs_daemon  NeuroticKitten
800 UDP mdbs_daemon
801 TCP device
801 UDP device
808 TCP   WinHole
810 TCP fcp-udp FCP
810 UDP fcp-udp FCP Datagram
828 TCP itm-mcell-s itm-mcell-s
828 UDP itm-mcell-s itm-mcell-s
829 TCP pkix-3-ca-ra PKIX-3 CA/RA
829 UDP pkix-3-ca-ra PKIX-3 CA/RA
831 TCP   NeuroticKat
847 TCP dhcp-failover2 dhcp-failover 2
847 UDP dhcp-failover2 dhcp-failover 2
848 TCP gdoi GDOI
848 UDP gdoi GDOI
860 TCP iscsi iSCSI
860 UDP iscsi iSCSI
873 TCP rsync rsync
873 UDP rsync rsync
886 TCP iclcnet-locate ICL coNETion locate server
886 UDP iclcnet-locate ICL coNETion locate server
887 TCP iclcnet_svinfo ICL coNETion server info
887 UDP iclcnet_svinfo ICL coNETion server info
888 TCP cddbp CD Database Protocol
888 UDP accessbuilder AccessBuilder
900 TCP omginitialrefs OMG Initial Refs
900 UDP omginitialrefs OMG Initial Refs
901 TCP smpnameres SMPNAMERES NetDevil
901 UDP smpnameres SMPNAMERES
902 TCP ideafarm-chat IDEAFARM-CHAT
902 UDP ideafarm-chat IDEAFARM-CHAT
903 TCP ideafarm-catch IDEAFARM-CATCH
903 UDP ideafarm-catch IDEAFARM-CATCH
911 TCP xact-backup xact-backup Dark Shadow, Dark Shadow
911 UDP xact-backup xact-backup
912 TCP apex-mesh APEX relay-relay service
912 UDP apex-mesh APEX relay-relay service
913 TCP apex-edge APEX endpoint-relay service
913 UDP apex-edge APEX endpoint-relay service
989 TCP ftps-data ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
989 UDP ftps-data ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
990 TCP ftps ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
990 UDP ftps ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
991 TCP nas Netnews Administration System
991 UDP nas Netnews Administration System
992 TCP telnets telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
992 UDP telnets telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
993 TCP imaps imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL
993 UDP imaps imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL
994 TCP ircs irc protocol over TLS/SSL
994 UDP ircs irc protocol over TLS/SSL
995 TCP pop3s pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)
995 UDP pop3s pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)
996 TCP vsinet vsinet
996 UDP vsinet vsinet
997 TCP maitrd
997 UDP maitrd
998 TCP busboy
998 UDP puparp
999 TCP puprouter  Deep Throat, Foreplay or Reduced Foreplay, WinSatan, Chat power
999 UDP puprouter
1000 TCP cadlock2  Connecter, Der Späher / Der Spaeher, Direct Connection, DerSpaeher
1000 UDP cadlock2
1001 TCP   Der Späher / Der Spaeher, Theef, Silencer, Le Guardien, WebEx
1005 TCP   Theef
1008 TCP   Lion, AutoSpy
1010 TCP surf surf DerSpaeher, Doly Trojan
1010 UDP surf surf
1011 TCP   Doly Trojan
1012 TCP   Doly Trojan
1015 TCP   Doly Trojan
1016 TCP   Doly Trojan
1020 TCP   Vampire
1023 TCP  Reserved Sasser.e FTP
1023 UDP  Reserved
Known Ports Dynamic Ports ICMP List
Registered Ports
1024 TCP  Reserved Jade, Latinus, NetSpy, Remote Administration Tool - RAT [no 2]
1024 UDP  Reserved
1025 TCP blackjack network blackjack Fraggle Rock, md5 Backdoor, NetSpy, Remote Storm
1025 UDP blackjack network blackjack Remote Storm
1026 TCP cap Calender Access Protocol
1026 UDP cap Calender Access Protocol
1027 TCP exosee ExoSee ICKiller
1027 UDP exosee ExoSee
1029 TCP solid-mux Solid Mux Server InCommand Access, ICQ Nuke 98
1029 UDP solid-mux Solid Mux Server
1030 TCP iad1 BBN IAD
1030 UDP iad1 BBN IAD
1031 TCP iad2 BBN IAD Xanadu
1031 UDP iad2 BBN IAD
1032 TCP iad3 BBN IAD
1032 UDP iad3 BBN IAD
1033 TCP netinfo-local local netinfo port NetSpy
1033 UDP netinfo-local local netinfo port
1034 TCP activesync ActiveSync Notifications
1034 UDP activesync ActiveSync Notifications
1035 TCP mxxrlogin MX-XR RPC Multidropper
1035 UDP mxxrlogin MX-XR RPC
1036 TCP nsstp Nebula Secure Segment Transfer Protocol
1036 UDP nsstp Nebula Secure Segment Transfer Protocol
1037 TCP ams AMS
1037 UDP ams AMS
1038 TCP mtqp Message Tracking Query Protocol
1038 UDP mtqp Message Tracking Query Protocol
1039 TCP sbl Streamlined Blackhole
1039 UDP sbl Streamlined Blackhole
1040 TCP netarx Netarx
1040 UDP netarx Netarx
1041 TCP danf-ak2 AK2 Product
1041 UDP danf-ak2 AK2 Product
1042 TCP afrog Subnet Roaming BLA trojan
1042 UDP afrog Subnet Roaming BLA trojan
1043 TCP boinc-client BOINC Client Control
1043 UDP boinc-client BOINC Client Control
1044 TCP dcutility Dev Consortium Utility
1044 UDP dcutility Dev Consortium Utility
1045 TCP fpitp Fingerprint Image Transfer Protocol Rasmin
1045 UDP fpitp Fingerprint Image Transfer Protocol
1046 TCP wfremotertm WebFilter Remote Monitor
1046 UDP wfremotertm WebFilter Remote Monitor
1047 TCP neod1 Sun's NEO Object Request Broker
1047 UDP neod1 Sun's NEO Object Request Broker
1048 TCP neod2 Sun's NEO Object Request Broker
1048 UDP neod2 Sun's NEO Object Request Broker
1049 TCP td-postman Tobit David Postman VPMN /sbin/initd
1049 UDP td-postman Tobit David Postman VPMN
1050 TCP cma CORBA Management Agent MiniCommand
1050 UDP cma CORBA Management Agent
1051 TCP optima-vnet Optima VNET
1051 UDP optima-vnet Optima VNET
1052 TCP ddt Dynamic DNS Tools
1052 UDP ddt Dynamic DNS Tools
1053 TCP remote-as Remote Assistant (RA) The Thief
1053 UDP remote-as Remote Assistant (RA)
1054 TCP brvread BRVREAD AckCmd
1054 UDP brvread BRVREAD
1055 TCP ansyslmd ANSYS - License Manager
1055 UDP ansyslmd ANSYS - License Manager
1056 TCP vfo VFO
1056 UDP vfo VFO
1057 TCP startron STARTRON
1057 UDP startron STARTRON
1058 TCP nim nim
1058 UDP nim nim
1059 TCP nimreg nimreg
1059 UDP nimreg nimreg
1060 TCP polestar POLESTAR
1060 UDP polestar POLESTAR
1061 TCP kiosk KIOSK
1061 UDP kiosk KIOSK
1062 TCP veracity Veracity
1062 UDP veracity Veracity
1063 TCP kyoceranetdev KyoceraNetDev
1063 UDP kyoceranetdev KyoceraNetDev
1064 TCP jstel JSTEL
1064 UDP jstel JSTEL
1065 TCP syscomlan SYSCOMLAN
1065 UDP syscomlan SYSCOMLAN
1066 TCP fpo-fns FPO-FNS
1066 UDP fpo-fns FPO-FNS
1067 TCP instl_boots Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.
1067 UDP instl_boots Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.
1068 TCP instl_bootc Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.
1068 UDP instl_bootc Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.
1069 TCP cognex-insight COGNEX-INSIGHT
1069 UDP cognex-insight COGNEX-INSIGHT
1070 TCP gmrupdateserv GMRUpdateSERV
1070 UDP gmrupdateserv GMRUpdateSERV
1071 TCP bsquare-voip BSQUARE-VOIP
1071 UDP bsquare-voip BSQUARE-VOIP
1072 TCP cardax CARDAX
1072 UDP cardax CARDAX
1073 TCP bridgecontrol Bridge Control
1073 UDP bridgecontrol Bridge Control
1074 TCP fastechnologlm FASTechnologies License Manager
1074 UDP fastechnologlm FASTechnologies License Manager
1075 TCP rdrmshc RDRMSHC
1075 UDP rdrmshc RDRMSHC
1076 TCP dab-sti-c DAB STI-C
1076 UDP dab-sti-c DAB STI-C
1077 TCP imgames IMGames
1077 UDP imgames IMGames
1078 TCP avocent-proxy Avocent Proxy Protocol
1078 UDP avocent-proxy Avocent Proxy Protocol
1079 TCP asprovatalk ASPROVATalk
1079 UDP asprovatalk ASPROVATalk
1080 TCP socks Socks WinHole
1080 UDP socks Socks
1081 TCP pvuniwien PVUNIWIEN WinHole
1081 UDP pvuniwien PVUNIWIEN
1082 TCP amt-esd-prot AMT-ESD-PROT WinHole
1082 UDP amt-esd-prot AMT-ESD-PROT
1083 TCP ansoft-lm-1 Anasoft License Manager WinHole
1083 UDP ansoft-lm-1 Anasoft License Manager
1084 TCP ansoft-lm-2 Anasoft License Manager
1084 UDP ansoft-lm-2 Anasoft License Manager
1085 TCP webobjects Web Objects
1085 UDP webobjects Web Objects
1086 TCP cplscrambler-lg CPL Scrambler Logging
1086 UDP cplscrambler-lg CPL Scrambler Logging
1087 TCP cplscrambler-in CPL Scrambler Internal
1087 UDP cplscrambler-in CPL Scrambler Internal
1088 TCP cplscrambler-al CPL Scrambler Alarm Log
1088 UDP cplscrambler-al CPL Scrambler Alarm Log
1089 TCP ff-annunc FF Annunciation
1089 UDP ff-annunc FF Annunciation
1090 TCP ff-fms FF Fieldbus Message Specification Xtreme
1090 UDP ff-fms FF Fieldbus Message Specification
1091 TCP ff-sm FF System Management
1091 UDP ff-sm FF System Management
1092 TCP obrpd Open Business Reporting Protocol
1092 UDP obrpd Open Business Reporting Protocol
1093 TCP proofd PROOFD
1093 UDP proofd PROOFD
1094 TCP rootd ROOTD
1094 UDP rootd ROOTD
1095 TCP nicelink NICELink Remote Administration Tool - RAT
1095 UDP nicelink NICELink
1096 TCP cnrprotocol Common Name Resolution Protocol
1096 UDP cnrprotocol Common Name Resolution Protocol
1097 TCP sunclustermgr Sun Cluster Manager Remote Administration Tool - RAT
1097 UDP sunclustermgr Sun Cluster Manager
1098 TCP rmiactivation RMI Activation Remote Administration Tool - RAT
1098 UDP rmiactivation RMI Activation
1099 TCP rmiregistry RMI Registry Blood Fest Evolution, Remote Administration Tool - RAT
1099 UDP rmiregistry RMI Registry
1100 TCP mctp MCTP
1100 UDP mctp MCTP
1101 TCP pt2-discover PT2-DISCOVER
1101 UDP pt2-discover PT2-DISCOVER
1102 TCP adobeserver-1 ADOBE SERVER 1
1102 UDP adobeserver-1 ADOBE SERVER 1
1103 TCP adobeserver-2 ADOBE SERVER 2
1103 UDP adobeserver-2 ADOBE SERVER 2
1104 TCP xrl XRL
1104 UDP xrl XRL RexxRave
1105 TCP ftranhc FTRANHC
1105 UDP ftranhc FTRANHC
1106 TCP isoipsigport-1 ISOIPSIGPORT-1
1106 UDP isoipsigport-1 ISOIPSIGPORT-1
1107 TCP isoipsigport-2 ISOIPSIGPORT-2
1107 UDP isoipsigport-2 ISOIPSIGPORT-2
1108 TCP ratio-adp ratio-adp
1108 UDP ratio-adp ratio-adp
1110 TCP nfsd-status Cluster status info
1110 UDP nfsd-keepalive Client status info
1111 TCP lmsocialserver LM Social Server TPort
1111 UDP lmsocialserver LM Social Server
1112 TCP icp Intelligent Communication Protocol
1112 UDP icp Intelligent Communication Protocol
1114 TCP mini-sql Mini SQL
1114 UDP mini-sql Mini SQL
1115 TCP ardus-trns ARDUS Transfer
1115 UDP ardus-trns ARDUS Transfer
1116 TCP ardus-cntl ARDUS Control
1116 UDP ardus-cntl ARDUS Control
1117 TCP ardus-mtrns ARDUS Multicast Transfer
1117 UDP ardus-mtrns ARDUS Multicast Transfer
1118 TCP sacred SACRED
1118 UDP sacred SACRED
1121 TCP rmpp Datalode RMPP
1121 UDP rmpp Datalode RMPP
1122 TCP availant-mgr availant-mgr
1122 UDP availant-mgr availant-mgr
1123 TCP murray Murray
1123 UDP murray Murray
1124 TCP hpvmmcontrol HP VMM Control
1124 UDP hpvmmcontrol HP VMM Control
1125 TCP hpvmmagent HP VMM Agent
1125 UDP hpvmmagent HP VMM Agent
1126 TCP hpvmmdata HP VMM Agent
1126 UDP hpvmmdata HP VMM Agent
1130 TCP   Noknok
1130 UDP   Noknok
1150 TCP   Orion
1151 TCP   Orion
1155 TCP nfa Network File Access
1155 UDP nfa Network File Access
1156 TCP iascontrol-oms iasControl OMS
1156 UDP iascontrol-oms iasControl OMS
1157 TCP iascontrol Oracle iASControl
1157 UDP iascontrol Oracle iASControl
1158 TCP dbcontrol-oms dbControl OMS
1158 UDP dbcontrol-oms dbControl OMS
1159 TCP oracle-oms Oracle OMS
1159 UDP oracle-oms Oracle OMS
1161 TCP health-polling Health Polling
1161 UDP health-polling Health Polling
1162 TCP health-trap Health Trap
1162 UDP health-trap Health Trap
1163 TCP sddp SmartDialer Data Protocol
1163 UDP sddp SmartDialer Data Protocol
1164 TCP qsm-proxy QSM Proxy Service
1164 UDP qsm-proxy QSM Proxy Service
1165 TCP qsm-gui QSM GUI Service
1165 UDP qsm-gui QSM GUI Service
1166 TCP qsm-remote QSM RemoteExec
1166 UDP qsm-remote QSM RemoteExec
1168 TCP vchat VChat Conference Service
1168 UDP vchat VChat Conference Service
1169 TCP tripwire TRIPWIRE
1169 UDP tripwire TRIPWIRE
1170 TCP atc-lm AT+C License Manager Psyber Stream Server - PSS, Streaming Audio Server, Voice
1170 UDP atc-lm AT+C License Manager
1171 TCP atc-appserver AT+C FmiApplicationServer
1171 UDP atc-appserver AT+C FmiApplicationServer
1172 TCP dnap DNA Protocol
1172 UDP dnap DNA Protocol
1173 TCP d-cinema-rrp D-Cinema Request-Response
1173 UDP d-cinema-rrp D-Cinema Request-Response
1174 TCP fnet-remote-ui FlashNet Remote Admin DaCryptic
1174 UDP fnet-remote-ui FlashNet Remote Admin
1175 TCP dossier Dossier Server
1175 UDP dossier Dossier Server
1176 TCP indigo-server Indigo Home Server
1176 UDP indigo-server Indigo Home Server
1177 TCP dkmessenger DKMessenger Protocol
1177 UDP dkmessenger DKMessenger Protocol
1178 TCP sgi-storman SGI Storage Manager
1178 UDP sgi-storman SGI Storage Manager
1179 TCP b2n Backup To Neighbor
1179 UDP b2n Backup To Neighbor
1180 TCP mc-client Millicent Client Proxy Unin68
1180 UDP mc-client Millicent Client Proxy
1181 TCP 3comnetman 3Com Net Management
1181 UDP 3comnetman 3Com Net Management
1182 TCP accelenet AcceleNet Control
1182 UDP accelenet AcceleNet Control
1183 TCP llsurfup-http LL Surfup HTTP
1183 UDP llsurfup-http LL Surfup HTTP
1184 TCP llsurfup-https LL Surfup HTTPS
1184 UDP llsurfup-https LL Surfup HTTPS
1185 TCP catchpole Catchpole port
1185 UDP catchpole Catchpole port
1186 TCP mysql-cluster MySQL Cluster Manager
1186 UDP mysql-cluster MySQL Cluster Manager
1187 TCP alias Alias Service
1187 UDP alias Alias Service
1188 TCP hp-webadmin HP Web Admin
1188 UDP hp-webadmin HP Web Admin
1189 TCP unet Unet Connection
1189 UDP unet Unet Connection
1190 TCP commlinx-avl CommLinx GPS / AVL System
1190 UDP commlinx-avl CommLinx GPS / AVL System
1191 TCP gpfs General Parallel File System
1191 UDP gpfs General Parallel File System
1192 TCP caids-sensor caids sensors channel
1192 UDP caids-sensor caids sensors channel
1193 TCP fiveacross Five Across Server
1193 UDP fiveacross Five Across Server
1194 TCP openvpn OpenVPN
1194 UDP openvpn OpenVPN
1195 TCP rsf-1 RSF-1 clustering
1195 UDP rsf-1 RSF-1 clustering
1199 TCP dmidi DMIDI
1199 UDP dmidi DMIDI
1200 TCP scol SCOL
1200 UDP scol SCOL NoBackO
1201 TCP nucleus-sand Nucleus Sand
1201 UDP nucleus-sand Nucleus Sand NoBackO
1202 TCP caiccipc caiccipc
1202 UDP caiccipc caiccipc
1203 TCP ssslic-mgr License Validation
1203 UDP ssslic-mgr License Validation
1204 TCP ssslog-mgr Log Request Listener
1204 UDP ssslog-mgr Log Request Listener
1205 TCP accord-mgc Accord-MGC
1205 UDP accord-mgc Accord-MGC
1206 TCP anthony-data Anthony Data
1206 UDP anthony-data Anthony Data
1207 TCP metasage MetaSage SoftWAR
1207 UDP metasage MetaSage
1208 TCP seagull-ais SEAGULL AIS Infector
1208 UDP seagull-ais SEAGULL AIS
1209 TCP ipcd3 IPCD3
1209 UDP ipcd3 IPCD3
1210 TCP eoss EOSS
1210 UDP eoss EOSS
1211 TCP groove-dpp Groove DPP
1211 UDP groove-dpp Groove DPP
1212 TCP lupa lupa Kaos
1212 UDP lupa lupa
1213 TCP mpc-lifenet MPC LIFENET
1213 UDP mpc-lifenet MPC LIFENET
1214 TCP kazaa KAZAA
1214 UDP kazaa KAZAA
1215 TCP scanstat-1 scanSTAT 1.0
1215 UDP scanstat-1 scanSTAT 1.0
1216 TCP etebac5 ETEBAC 5
1216 UDP etebac5 ETEBAC 5
1217 TCP hpss-ndapi HPSS-NDAPI
1217 UDP hpss-ndapi HPSS-NDAPI
1218 TCP aeroflight-ads AeroFlight-ADs
1218 UDP aeroflight-ads AeroFlight-ADs
1219 TCP aeroflight-ret AeroFlight-Ret
1219 UDP aeroflight-ret AeroFlight-Ret
1220 TCP qt-serveradmin QT SERVER ADMIN
1220 UDP qt-serveradmin QT SERVER ADMIN
1221 TCP sweetware-apps SweetWARE Apps
1221 UDP sweetware-apps SweetWARE Apps
1222 TCP nerv SNI R& D network
1222 UDP nerv SNI R& D network
1223 TCP tgp TGP
1223 UDP tgp TGP
1224 TCP vpnz VPNz
1224 UDP vpnz VPNz
1225 TCP slinkysearch SLINKYSEARCH Scarab
1225 UDP slinkysearch SLINKYSEARCH
1226 TCP stgxfws STGXFWS
1226 UDP stgxfws STGXFWS
1227 TCP dns2go DNS2Go
1227 UDP dns2go DNS2Go
1228 TCP florence FLORENCE
1228 UDP florence FLORENCE
1229 TCP novell-zfs Novell ZFS
1229 UDP novell-zfs Novell ZFS
1230 TCP periscope Periscope
1230 UDP periscope Periscope
1231 TCP menandmice-lpm menandmice-lpm
1231 UDP menandmice-lpm menandmice-lpm
1233 TCP univ-appserver Universal App Server
1233 UDP univ-appserver Universal App Server
1234 TCP search-agent Infoseek Search Agent SubSeven Java client, Ultors Trojan
1234 UDP search-agent Infoseek Search Agent
1235 TCP mosaicsyssvc1 mosaicsyssvc1
1235 UDP mosaicsyssvc1 mosaicsyssvc1
1236 TCP bvcontrol bvcontrol
1236 UDP bvcontrol bvcontrol
1237 TCP tsdos390 tsdos390
1237 UDP tsdos390 tsdos390
1238 TCP hacl-qs hacl-qs
1238 UDP hacl-qs hacl-qs
1239 TCP nmsd NMSD
1239 UDP nmsd NMSD
1240 TCP instantia Instantia
1240 UDP instantia Instantia
1241 TCP nessus nessus
1241 UDP nessus nessus
1242 TCP nmasoverip NMAS over IP
1242 UDP nmasoverip NMAS over IP
1243 TCP serialgateway SerialGateway BackDoor-G, SubSeven Apocalypse, SubSeven, Tiles
1243 UDP serialgateway SerialGateway
1244 TCP isbconference1 isbconference1
1244 UDP isbconference1 isbconference1
1245 TCP isbconference2 isbconference2 VooDoo Doll, VoodooDoll
1245 UDP isbconference2 isbconference2
1246 TCP payrouter payrouter
1246 UDP payrouter payrouter
1247 TCP visionpyramid VisionPyramid
1247 UDP visionpyramid VisionPyramid
1248 TCP hermes hermes
1248 UDP hermes hermes
1249 TCP mesavistaco Mesa Vista Co
1249 UDP mesavistaco Mesa Vista Co
1250 TCP swldy-sias swldy-sias
1250 UDP swldy-sias swldy-sias
1251 TCP servergraph servergraph
1251 UDP servergraph servergraph
1252 TCP bspne-pcc bspne-pcc
1252 UDP bspne-pcc bspne-pcc
1253 TCP q55-pcc q55-pcc
1253 UDP q55-pcc q55-pcc
1254 TCP de-noc de-noc
1254 UDP de-noc de-noc
1255 TCP de-cache-query de-cache-query Scarab
1255 UDP de-cache-query de-cache-query
1256 TCP de-server de-server Project nEXT, RexxRave
1256 UDP de-server de-server
1257 TCP shockwave2 Shockwave 2
1257 UDP shockwave2 Shockwave 2
1258 TCP opennl Open Network Library
1258 UDP opennl Open Network Library
1259 TCP opennl-voice Open Network Library Voice
1259 UDP opennl-voice Open Network Library Voice
1260 TCP ibm-ssd ibm-ssd
1260 UDP ibm-ssd ibm-ssd
1261 TCP mpshrsv mpshrsv
1261 UDP mpshrsv mpshrsv
1262 TCP qnts-orb QNTS-ORB
1262 UDP qnts-orb QNTS-ORB
1263 TCP dka dka
1263 UDP dka dka
1264 TCP prat PRAT
1264 UDP prat PRAT
1265 TCP dssiapi DSSIAPI
1265 UDP dssiapi DSSIAPI
1266 TCP dellpwrappks DELLPWRAPPKS
1266 UDP dellpwrappks DELLPWRAPPKS
1267 TCP epc eTrust Policy Compliance
1267 UDP epc eTrust Policy Compliance
1268 TCP propel-msgsys PROPEL-MSGSYS
1268 UDP propel-msgsys PROPEL-MSGSYS
1269 TCP watilapp WATiLaPP Mavericks Matrix
1269 UDP watilapp WATiLaPP
1270 TCP opsmgr Microsoft Operations Manager
1270 UDP opsmgr Microsoft Operations Manager
1271 TCP excw eXcW
1271 UDP excw eXcW
1272 TCP cspmlockmgr CSPMLockMgr The Matrix
1272 UDP cspmlockmgr CSPMLockMgr
1273 TCP emc-gateway EMC-Gateway
1273 UDP emc-gateway EMC-Gateway
1274 TCP t1distproc t1distproc
1274 UDP t1distproc t1distproc
1275 TCP ivcollector ivcollector
1275 UDP ivcollector ivcollector
1276 TCP ivmanager ivmanager
1276 UDP ivmanager ivmanager
1277 TCP miva-mqs mqs
1277 UDP miva-mqs mqs
1278 TCP dellwebadmin-1 Dell Web Admin 1
1278 UDP dellwebadmin-1 Dell Web Admin 1
1279 TCP dellwebadmin-2 Dell Web Admin 2
1279 UDP dellwebadmin-2 Dell Web Admin 2
1280 TCP pictrography Pictrography
1280 UDP pictrography Pictrography
1281 TCP healthd healthd
1281 UDP healthd healthd
1282 TCP emperion Emperion
1282 UDP emperion Emperion
1283 TCP productinfo ProductInfo
1283 UDP productinfo ProductInfo
1284 TCP iee-qfx IEE-QFX
1284 UDP iee-qfx IEE-QFX
1285 TCP neoiface neoiface
1285 UDP neoiface neoiface
1286 TCP netuitive netuitive
1286 UDP netuitive netuitive
1288 TCP navbuddy NavBuddy
1288 UDP navbuddy NavBuddy
1289 TCP jwalkserver JWalkServer
1289 UDP jwalkserver JWalkServer
1290 TCP winjaserver WinJaServer
1290 UDP winjaserver WinJaServer
1291 TCP seagulllms SEAGULLLMS
1291 UDP seagulllms SEAGULLLMS
1292 TCP dsdn dsdn
1292 UDP dsdn dsdn
1293 TCP pkt-krb-ipsec PKT-KRB-IPSec
1293 UDP pkt-krb-ipsec PKT-KRB-IPSec
1294 TCP cmmdriver CMMdriver
1294 UDP cmmdriver CMMdriver
1295 TCP ehtp End-by-Hop Transmission Protocol
1295 UDP ehtp End-by-Hop Transmission Protocol
1296 TCP dproxy dproxy
1296 UDP dproxy dproxy
1297 TCP sdproxy sdproxy
1297 UDP sdproxy sdproxy
1298 TCP lpcp lpcp
1298 UDP lpcp lpcp
1299 TCP hp-sci hp-sci
1299 UDP hp-sci hp-sci
1300 TCP h323hostcallsc H323 Host Call Secure
1300 UDP h323hostcallsc H323 Host Call Secure
1301 TCP ci3-software-1 CI3-Software-1
1301 UDP ci3-software-1 CI3-Software-1
1302 TCP ci3-software-2 CI3-Software-2
1302 UDP ci3-software-2 CI3-Software-2
1303 TCP sftsrv sftsrv
1303 UDP sftsrv sftsrv
1304 TCP boomerang Boomerang
1304 UDP boomerang Boomerang
1305 TCP pe-mike pe-mike
1305 UDP pe-mike pe-mike
1306 TCP re-conn-proto RE-Conn-Proto
1306 UDP re-conn-proto RE-Conn-Proto
1307 TCP pacmand Pacmand
1307 UDP pacmand Pacmand
1308 TCP odsi Optical Domain Service Interconnect (ODSI)
1308 UDP odsi Optical Domain Service Interconnect (ODSI)
1309 TCP jtag-server JTAG server
1309 UDP jtag-server JTAG server
1310 TCP husky Husky
1310 UDP husky Husky
1311 TCP rxmon RxMon
1311 UDP rxmon RxMon
1312 TCP sti-envision STI Envision
1312 UDP sti-envision STI Envision
1313 TCP bmc_patroldb BMC_PATROLDB NETrojan
1313 UDP bmc_patroldb BMC_PATROLDB
1314 TCP pdps Photoscript Distributed Printing System
1314 UDP pdps Photoscript Distributed Printing System
1315 TCP els E.L.S., Event Listener Service
1315 UDP els E.L.S., Event Listener Service
1316 TCP exbit-escp Exbit-ESCP
1316 UDP exbit-escp Exbit-ESCP
1317 TCP vrts-ipcserver vrts-ipcserver
1317 UDP vrts-ipcserver vrts-ipcserver
1318 TCP krb5gatekeeper krb5gatekeeper
1318 UDP krb5gatekeeper krb5gatekeeper
1319 TCP panja-icsp Panja-ICSP
1319 UDP panja-icsp Panja-ICSP
1320 TCP panja-axbnet Panja-AXBNET
1320 UDP panja-axbnet Panja-AXBNET
1321 TCP pip PIP
1321 UDP pip PIP
1322 TCP novation Novation
1322 UDP novation Novation
1323 TCP brcd brcd
1323 UDP brcd brcd
1324 TCP delta-mcp delta-mcp
1324 UDP delta-mcp delta-mcp
1325 TCP dx-instrument DX-Instrument
1325 UDP dx-instrument DX-Instrument
1326 TCP wimsic WIMSIC
1326 UDP wimsic WIMSIC
1327 TCP ultrex Ultrex
1327 UDP ultrex Ultrex
1328 TCP ewall EWALL
1328 UDP ewall EWALL
1329 TCP netdb-export netdb-export
1329 UDP netdb-export netdb-export
1330 TCP streetperfect StreetPerfect
1330 UDP streetperfect StreetPerfect
1331 TCP intersan intersan
1331 UDP intersan intersan
1332 TCP pcia-rxp-b PCIA RXP-B
1332 UDP pcia-rxp-b PCIA RXP-B
1333 TCP passwrd-policy Password Policy
1333 UDP passwrd-policy Password Policy
1334 TCP writesrv writesrv
1334 UDP writesrv writesrv
1335 TCP digital-notary Digital Notary Protocol
1335 UDP digital-notary Digital Notary Protocol
1336 TCP ischat Instant Service Chat
1336 UDP ischat Instant Service Chat
1337 TCP menandmice-dns menandmice DNS Shadyshell
1337 UDP menandmice-dns menandmice DNS
1338 TCP wmc-log-svc WMC-log-svr Millennium Worm
1338 UDP wmc-log-svc WMC-log-svr
1339 TCP kjtsiteserver kjtsiteserver
1339 UDP kjtsiteserver kjtsiteserver
1340 TCP naap NAAP
1340 UDP naap NAAP
1341 TCP qubes QuBES
1341 UDP qubes QuBES
1342 TCP esbroker ESBroker
1342 UDP esbroker ESBroker
1343 TCP re101 re101
1343 UDP re101 re101
1344 TCP icap ICAP
1344 UDP icap ICAP
1345 TCP vpjp VPJP
1345 UDP vpjp VPJP
1346 TCP alta-ana-lm Alta Analytics License Manager
1346 UDP alta-ana-lm Alta Analytics License Manager
1347 TCP bbn-mmc multi media conferencing
1347 UDP bbn-mmc multi media conferencing
1348 TCP bbn-mmx multi media conferencing
1348 UDP bbn-mmx multi media conferencing
1349 TCP sbook Registration Network Protocol Bo dll
1349 UDP sbook Registration Network Protocol BackOrifice DLL, BO DLL
1350 TCP editbench Registration Network Protocol
1350 UDP editbench Registration Network Protocol
1351 TCP equationbuilder Digital Tool Works (MIT)
1351 UDP equationbuilder Digital Tool Works (MIT)
1352 TCP lotusnote Lotus Note
1352 UDP lotusnote Lotus Note
1353 TCP relief Relief Consulting
1353 UDP relief Relief Consulting
1354 TCP XSIP-network Five Across XSIP Network
1354 UDP XSIP-network Five Across XSIP Network
1355 TCP intuitive-edge Intuitive Edge
1355 UDP intuitive-edge Intuitive Edge
1356 TCP cuillamartin CuillaMartin Company
1356 UDP cuillamartin CuillaMartin Company
1357 TCP pegboard Electronic PegBoard
1357 UDP pegboard Electronic PegBoard
1358 TCP connlcli CONNLCLI
1358 UDP connlcli CONNLCLI
1359 TCP ftsrv FTSRV
1359 UDP ftsrv FTSRV
1360 TCP mimer MIMER
1360 UDP mimer MIMER
1361 TCP linx LinX
1361 UDP linx LinX
1362 TCP timeflies TimeFlies
1362 UDP timeflies TimeFlies
1363 TCP ndm-requester Network DataMover Requester
1363 UDP ndm-requester Network DataMover Requester
1364 TCP ndm-server Network DataMover Server
1364 UDP ndm-server Network DataMover Server
1365 TCP adapt-sna Network Software Associates
1365 UDP adapt-sna Network Software Associates
1366 TCP netware-csp Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform
1366 UDP netware-csp Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform
1367 TCP dcs DCS
1367 UDP dcs DCS
1368 TCP screencast ScreenCast
1368 UDP screencast ScreenCast
1369 TCP gv-us GlobalView to Unix Shell
1369 UDP gv-us GlobalView to Unix Shell
1370 TCP us-gv Unix Shell to GlobalView
1370 UDP us-gv Unix Shell to GlobalView
1371 TCP fc-cli Fujitsu Config Protocol
1371 UDP fc-cli Fujitsu Config Protocol
1372 TCP fc-ser Fujitsu Config Protocol
1372 UDP fc-ser Fujitsu Config Protocol
1373 TCP chromagrafx Chromagrafx
1373 UDP chromagrafx Chromagrafx
1374 TCP molly EPI Software Systems
1374 UDP molly EPI Software Systems
1375 TCP bytex Bytex
1375 UDP bytex Bytex
1376 TCP ibm-pps IBM Person to Person Software
1376 UDP ibm-pps IBM Person to Person Software
1377 TCP cichlid Cichlid License Manager
1377 UDP cichlid Cichlid License Manager
1378 TCP elan Elan License Manager
1378 UDP elan Elan License Manager
1379 TCP dbreporter Integrity Solutions
1379 UDP dbreporter Integrity Solutions
1380 TCP telesis-licman Telesis Network License Manager
1380 UDP telesis-licman Telesis Network License Manager
1381 TCP apple-licman Apple Network License Manager
1381 UDP apple-licman Apple Network License Manager
1382 TCP udt_os udt_os
1382 UDP udt_os udt_os
1383 TCP gwha GW Hannaway Network License Manager
1383 UDP gwha GW Hannaway Network License Manager
1384 TCP os-licman Objective Solutions License Manager
1384 UDP os-licman Objective Solutions License Manager
1385 TCP atex_elmd Atex Publishing License Manager
1385 UDP atex_elmd Atex Publishing License Manager
1386 TCP checksum CheckSum License Manager Dagger
1386 UDP checksum CheckSum License Manager
1387 TCP cadsi-lm Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM
1387 UDP cadsi-lm Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM
1388 TCP objective-dbc Objective Solutions DataBase Cache
1388 UDP objective-dbc Objective Solutions DataBase Cache
1389 TCP iclpv-dm Document Manager
1389 UDP iclpv-dm Document Manager
1390 TCP iclpv-sc Storage Controller
1390 UDP iclpv-sc Storage Controller
1391 TCP iclpv-sas Storage Access Server
1391 UDP iclpv-sas Storage Access Server
1392 TCP iclpv-pm Print Manager
1392 UDP iclpv-pm Print Manager
1393 TCP iclpv-nls Network Log Server
1393 UDP iclpv-nls Network Log Server
1394 TCP iclpv-nlc Network Log Client GoFriller, Backdoor G-1
1394 UDP iclpv-nlc Network Log Client
1395 TCP iclpv-wsm PC Workstation Manager software
1395 UDP iclpv-wsm PC Workstation Manager software
1396 TCP dvl-activemail DVL Active Mail
1396 UDP dvl-activemail DVL Active Mail
1397 TCP audio-activmail Audio Active Mail
1397 UDP audio-activmail Audio Active Mail
1398 TCP video-activmail Video Active Mail
1398 UDP video-activmail Video Active Mail
1399 TCP cadkey-licman Cadkey License Manager
1399 UDP cadkey-licman Cadkey License Manager
1400 TCP cadkey-tablet Cadkey Tablet Daemon
1400 UDP cadkey-tablet Cadkey Tablet Daemon
1401 TCP goldleaf-licman Goldleaf License Manager
1401 UDP goldleaf-licman Goldleaf License Manager
1402 TCP prm-sm-np Prospero Resource Manager
1402 UDP prm-sm-np Prospero Resource Manager
1403 TCP prm-nm-np Prospero Resource Manager
1403 UDP prm-nm-np Prospero Resource Manager
1404 TCP igi-lm Infinite Graphics License Manager
1404 UDP igi-lm Infinite Graphics License Manager
1405 TCP ibm-res IBM Remote Execution Starter
1405 UDP ibm-res IBM Remote Execution Starter
1406 TCP netlabs-lm NetLabs License Manager
1406 UDP netlabs-lm NetLabs License Manager
1407 TCP dbsa-lm DBSA License Manager
1407 UDP dbsa-lm DBSA License Manager
1408 TCP sophia-lm Sophia License Manager
1408 UDP sophia-lm Sophia License Manager
1409 TCP here-lm Here License Manager
1409 UDP here-lm Here License Manager
1410 TCP hiq HiQ License Manager
1410 UDP hiq HiQ License Manager
1411 TCP af AudioFile
1411 UDP af AudioFile
1412 TCP innosys InnoSys
1412 UDP innosys InnoSys
1413 TCP innosys-acl Innosys-ACL
1413 UDP innosys-acl Innosys-ACL
1414 TCP ibm-mqseries IBM MQSeries
1414 UDP ibm-mqseries IBM MQSeries
1415 TCP dbstar DBStar
1415 UDP dbstar DBStar
1416 TCP novell-lu6.2 Novell LU6.2
1416 UDP novell-lu6.2 Novell LU6.2
1417 TCP timbuktu-srv1 Timbuktu Service 1 Port
1417 UDP timbuktu-srv1 Timbuktu Service 1 Port
1418 TCP timbuktu-srv2 Timbuktu Service 2 Port
1418 UDP timbuktu-srv2 Timbuktu Service 2 Port
1419 TCP timbuktu-srv3 Timbuktu Service 3 Port
1419 UDP timbuktu-srv3 Timbuktu Service 3 Port
1420 TCP timbuktu-srv4 Timbuktu Service 4 Port
1420 UDP timbuktu-srv4 Timbuktu Service 4 Port
1421 TCP gandalf-lm Gandalf License Manager
1421 UDP gandalf-lm Gandalf License Manager
1422 TCP autodesk-lm Autodesk License Manager
1422 UDP autodesk-lm Autodesk License Manager
1423 TCP essbase Essbase Arbor Software
1423 UDP essbase Essbase Arbor Software
1424 TCP hybrid Hybrid Encryption Protocol
1424 UDP hybrid Hybrid Encryption Protocol
1425 TCP zion-lm Zion Software License Manager
1425 UDP zion-lm Zion Software License Manager
1426 TCP sais Satellite-data Acquisition System 1
1426 UDP sais Satellite-data Acquisition System 1
1427 TCP mloadd mloadd monitoring tool
1427 UDP mloadd mloadd monitoring tool
1428 TCP informatik-lm Informatik License Manager
1428 UDP informatik-lm Informatik License Manager
1429 TCP nms Hypercom NMS
1429 UDP nms Hypercom NMS
1430 TCP tpdu Hypercom TPDU
1430 UDP tpdu Hypercom TPDU
1431 TCP rgtp Reverse Gossip Transport
1431 UDP rgtp Reverse Gossip Transport
1432 TCP blueberry-lm Blueberry Software License Manager
1432 UDP blueberry-lm Blueberry Software License Manager
1433 TCP ms-sql-s Microsoft-SQL-Server SQL Snake
1433 UDP ms-sql-s Microsoft-SQL-Server
1434 TCP ms-sql-m Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
1434 UDP ms-sql-m Microsoft-SQL-Monitor SQL Slammer
1435 TCP ibm-cics IBM CICS
1435 UDP ibm-cics IBM CICS
1436 TCP saism Satellite-data Acquisition System 2
1436 UDP saism Satellite-data Acquisition System 2
1437 TCP tabula Tabula
1437 UDP tabula Tabula
1438 TCP eicon-server Eicon Security Agent/Server
1438 UDP eicon-server Eicon Security Agent/Server
1439 TCP eicon-x25 Eicon X25/SNA Gateway
1439 UDP eicon-x25 Eicon X25/SNA Gateway
1440 TCP eicon-slp Eicon Service Location Protocol
1440 UDP eicon-slp Eicon Service Location Protocol
1441 TCP cadis-1 Cadis License Management Remote Storm
1441 UDP cadis-1 Cadis License Management
1442 TCP cadis-2 Cadis License Management
1442 UDP cadis-2 Cadis License Management
1443 TCP ies-lm Integrated Engineering Software
1443 UDP ies-lm Integrated Engineering Software
1444 TCP marcam-lm Marcam License Management
1444 UDP marcam-lm Marcam License Management
1445 TCP proxima-lm Proxima License Manager
1445 UDP proxima-lm Proxima License Manager
1446 TCP ora-lm Optical Research Associates License Manager
1446 UDP ora-lm Optical Research Associates License Manager
1447 TCP apri-lm Applied Parallel Research LM
1447 UDP apri-lm Applied Parallel Research LM
1448 TCP oc-lm OpenConnect License Manager
1448 UDP oc-lm OpenConnect License Manager
1449 TCP peport PEport
1449 UDP peport PEport
1450 TCP dwf Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility
1450 UDP dwf Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility
1451 TCP infoman IBM Information Management
1451 UDP infoman IBM Information Management
1452 TCP gtegsc-lm GTE Government Systems License Man
1452 UDP gtegsc-lm GTE Government Systems License Man
1453 TCP genie-lm Genie License Manager
1453 UDP genie-lm Genie License Manager
1454 TCP interhdl_elmd interHDL License Manager
1454 UDP interhdl_elmd interHDL License Manager
1455 TCP esl-lm ESL License Manager
1455 UDP esl-lm ESL License Manager
1456 TCP dca DCA
1456 UDP dca DCA
1457 TCP valisys-lm Valisys License Manager
1457 UDP valisys-lm Valisys License Manager
1458 TCP nrcabq-lm Nichols Research Corp.
1458 UDP nrcabq-lm Nichols Research Corp.
1459 TCP proshare1 Proshare Notebook Application
1459 UDP proshare1 Proshare Notebook Application
1460 TCP proshare2 Proshare Notebook Application
1460 UDP proshare2 Proshare Notebook Application
1461 TCP ibm_wrless_lan IBM Wireless LAN
1461 UDP ibm_wrless_lan IBM Wireless LAN
1462 TCP world-lm World License Manager
1462 UDP world-lm World License Manager
1463 TCP nucleus Nucleus
1463 UDP nucleus Nucleus
1464 TCP msl_lmd MSL License Manager
1464 UDP msl_lmd MSL License Manager
1465 TCP pipes Pipes Platform
1465 UDP pipes Pipes Platform mfarlin@peerlogic.com
1466 TCP oceansoft-lm Ocean Software License Manager
1466 UDP oceansoft-lm Ocean Software License Manager
1467 TCP csdmbase CSDMBASE
1467 UDP csdmbase CSDMBASE
1468 TCP csdm CSDM
1468 UDP csdm CSDM
1469 TCP aal-lm Active Analysis Limited License Manager
1469 UDP aal-lm Active Analysis Limited License Manager
1470 TCP uaiact Universal Analytics
1470 UDP uaiact Universal Analytics
1471 TCP csdmbase csdmbase
1471 UDP csdmbase csdmbase
1472 TCP csdm csdm
1472 UDP csdm csdm
1473 TCP openmath OpenMath
1473 UDP openmath OpenMath
1474 TCP telefinder Telefinder
1474 UDP telefinder Telefinder
1475 TCP taligent-lm Taligent License Manager
1475 UDP taligent-lm Taligent License Manager
1476 TCP clvm-cfg clvm-cfg
1476 UDP clvm-cfg clvm-cfg
1477 TCP ms-sna-server ms-sna-server
1477 UDP ms-sna-server ms-sna-server
1478 TCP ms-sna-base ms-sna-base
1478 UDP ms-sna-base ms-sna-base
1479 TCP dberegister dberegister
1479 UDP dberegister dberegister
1480 TCP pacerforum PacerForum RemoteHack
1480 UDP pacerforum PacerForum
1481 TCP airs AIRS
1481 UDP airs AIRS
1482 TCP miteksys-lm Miteksys License Manager
1482 UDP miteksys-lm Miteksys License Manager
1483 TCP afs AFS License Manager
1483 UDP afs AFS License Manager
1484 TCP confluent Confluent License Manager
1484 UDP confluent Confluent License Manager
1485 TCP lansource LANSource
1485 UDP lansource LANSource
1486 TCP nms_topo_serv nms_topo_serv
1486 UDP nms_topo_serv nms_topo_serv
1487 TCP localinfosrvr LocalInfoSrvr
1487 UDP localinfosrvr LocalInfoSrvr
1488 TCP docstor DocStor
1488 UDP docstor DocStor
1489 TCP dmdocbroker dmdocbroker
1489 UDP dmdocbroker dmdocbroker
1490 TCP insitu-conf insitu-conf
1490 UDP insitu-conf insitu-conf
1491 TCP anynetgateway anynetgateway
1491 UDP anynetgateway anynetgateway
1492 TCP stone-design-1 stone-design-1 FTP99CMP
1492 UDP stone-design-1 stone-design-1
1493 TCP netmap_lm netmap_lm
1493 UDP netmap_lm netmap_lm
1494 TCP ica ica
1494 UDP ica ica
1495 TCP cvc cvc
1495 UDP cvc cvc
1496 TCP liberty-lm liberty-lm
1496 UDP liberty-lm liberty-lm
1497 TCP rfx-lm rfx-lm
1497 UDP rfx-lm rfx-lm
1498 TCP sybase-sqlany Sybase SQL Any
1498 UDP sybase-sqlany Sybase SQL Any
1499 TCP fhc Federico Heinz Consultora
1499 UDP fhc Federico Heinz Consultora
1500 TCP vlsi-lm VLSI License Manager
1500 UDP vlsi-lm VLSI License Manager
1501 TCP saiscm Satellite-data Acquisition System 3
1501 UDP saiscm Satellite-data Acquisition System 3
1502 TCP shivadiscovery Shiva
1502 UDP shivadiscovery Shiva
1503 TCP imtc-mcs Databeam
1503 UDP imtc-mcs Databeam
1504 TCP evb-elm EVB Software Engineering License Manager
1504 UDP evb-elm EVB Software Engineering License Manager
1505 TCP funkproxy Funk Software, Inc.
1505 UDP funkproxy Funk Software, Inc.
1506 TCP utcd Universal Time daemon (utcd)
1506 UDP utcd Universal Time daemon (utcd)
1507 TCP symplex symplex
1507 UDP symplex symplex
1508 TCP diagmond diagmond
1508 UDP diagmond diagmond
1509 TCP robcad-lm Robcad, Ltd. License Manager Psyber Streaming Server, Psyber StreamingServer
1509 UDP robcad-lm Robcad, Ltd. License Manager
1510 TCP mvx-lm Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.
1510 UDP mvx-lm Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.
1511 TCP 3l-l1 3l-l1
1511 UDP 3l-l1 3l-l1
1512 TCP wins Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service
1512 UDP wins Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service
1513 TCP fujitsu-dtc Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
1513 UDP fujitsu-dtc Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
1514 TCP fujitsu-dtcns Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
1514 UDP fujitsu-dtcns Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
1515 TCP ifor-protocol ifor-protocol
1515 UDP ifor-protocol ifor-protocol
1516 TCP vpad Virtual Places Audio data
1516 UDP vpad Virtual Places Audio data
1517 TCP vpac Virtual Places Audio control
1517 UDP vpac Virtual Places Audio control
1518 TCP vpvd Virtual Places Video data
1518 UDP vpvd Virtual Places Video data
1519 TCP vpvc Virtual Places Video control
1519 UDP vpvc Virtual Places Video control
1520 TCP atm-zip-office atm zip office
1520 UDP atm-zip-office atm zip office
1521 TCP ncube-lm nCube License Manager
1521 UDP ncube-lm nCube License Manager
1522 TCP ricardo-lm Ricardo North America License Manager
1522 UDP ricardo-lm Ricardo North America License Manager
1523 TCP cichild-lm cichild
1523 UDP cichild-lm cichild
1524 TCP ingreslock ingres Trinoo
1524 UDP ingreslock ingres
1525 TCP prospero-np Prospero Directory Service non-priv
1525 UDP prospero-np Prospero Directory Service non-priv
1526 TCP pdap-np Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv
1526 UDP pdap-np Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv
1527 TCP tlisrv oracle
1527 UDP tlisrv oracle
1528 TCP mciautoreg micautoreg
1528 UDP mciautoreg micautoreg
1529 TCP coauthor oracle
1529 UDP coauthor oracle
1530 TCP rap-service rap-service
1530 UDP rap-service rap-service
1531 TCP rap-listen rap-listen
1531 UDP rap-listen rap-listen
1532 TCP miroconnect miroconnect
1532 UDP miroconnect miroconnect
1533 TCP virtual-places Virtual Places Software
1533 UDP virtual-places Virtual Places Software
1534 TCP micromuse-lm micromuse-lm
1534 UDP micromuse-lm micromuse-lm
1535 TCP ampr-info ampr-info
1535 UDP ampr-info ampr-info
1536 TCP ampr-inter ampr-inter
1536 UDP ampr-inter ampr-inter
1537 TCP sdsc-lm isi-lm
1537 UDP sdsc-lm isi-lm
1538 TCP 3ds-lm 3ds-lm
1538 UDP 3ds-lm 3ds-lm
1539 TCP intellistor-lm Intellistor License Manager
1539 UDP intellistor-lm Intellistor License Manager
1540 TCP rds rds
1540 UDP rds rds
1541 TCP rds2 rds2
1541 UDP rds2 rds2
1542 TCP gridgen-elmd gridgen-elmd
1542 UDP gridgen-elmd gridgen-elmd
1543 TCP simba-cs simba-cs
1543 UDP simba-cs simba-cs
1544 TCP aspeclmd aspeclmd
1544 UDP aspeclmd aspeclmd
1545 TCP vistium-share vistium-share
1545 UDP vistium-share vistium-share
1546 TCP abbaccuray abbaccuray
1546 UDP abbaccuray abbaccuray
1547 TCP laplink laplink
1547 UDP laplink laplink
1548 TCP axon-lm Axon License Manager
1548 UDP axon-lm Axon License Manager
1549 TCP shivahose Shiva Hose
1549 UDP shivasound Shiva Sound
1550 TCP 3m-image-lm Image Storage license manager 3M Company
1550 UDP 3m-image-lm Image Storage license manager 3M Company
1551 TCP hecmtl-db HECMTL-DB
1551 UDP hecmtl-db HECMTL-DB
1552 TCP pciarray pciarray
1552 UDP pciarray pciarray
1553 TCP sna-cs sna-cs
1553 UDP sna-cs sna-cs
1554 TCP caci-lm CACI Products Company License Manager
1554 UDP caci-lm CACI Products Company License Manager
1555 TCP livelan livelan
1555 UDP livelan livelan
1556 TCP veritas_pbx VERITAS Private Branch Exchange
1556 UDP veritas_pbx VERITAS Private Branch Exchange
1557 TCP arbortext-lm ArborText License Manager
1557 UDP arbortext-lm ArborText License Manager
1558 TCP xingmpeg xingmpeg
1558 UDP xingmpeg xingmpeg
1559 TCP web2host web2host
1559 UDP web2host web2host
1560 TCP asci-val ASCI-RemoteSHADOW
1560 UDP asci-val ASCI-RemoteSHADOW
1561 TCP facilityview facilityview
1561 UDP facilityview facilityview
1562 TCP pconnectmgr pconnectmgr
1562 UDP pconnectmgr pconnectmgr
1563 TCP cadabra-lm Cadabra License Manager
1563 UDP cadabra-lm Cadabra License Manager
1564 TCP pay-per-view Pay-Per-View
1564 UDP pay-per-view Pay-Per-View
1565 TCP winddlb WinDD
1565 UDP winddlb WinDD
1566 TCP corelvideo CORELVIDEO
1566 UDP corelvideo CORELVIDEO
1567 TCP jlicelmd jlicelmd
1567 UDP jlicelmd jlicelmd
1568 TCP tsspmap tsspmap Remote Hack, RemoteHack
1568 UDP tsspmap tsspmap
1569 TCP ets ets
1569 UDP ets ets
1570 TCP orbixd orbixd
1570 UDP orbixd orbixd
1571 TCP rdb-dbs-disp Oracle Remote Data Base
1571 UDP rdb-dbs-disp Oracle Remote Data Base
1572 TCP chip-lm Chipcom License Manager
1572 UDP chip-lm Chipcom License Manager
1573 TCP itscomm-ns itscomm-ns
1573 UDP itscomm-ns itscomm-ns
1574 TCP mvel-lm mvel-lm
1574 UDP mvel-lm mvel-lm
1575 TCP oraclenames oraclenames
1575 UDP oraclenames oraclenames
1576 TCP moldflow-lm moldflow-lm
1576 UDP moldflow-lm moldflow-lm
1577 TCP hypercube-lm hypercube-lm
1577 UDP hypercube-lm hypercube-lm
1578 TCP jacobus-lm Jacobus License Manager
1578 UDP jacobus-lm Jacobus License Manager
1579 TCP ioc-sea-lm ioc-sea-lm
1579 UDP ioc-sea-lm ioc-sea-lm
1580 TCP tn-tl-r1 tn-tl-r1
1580 UDP tn-tl-r2 tn-tl-r2
1581 TCP mil-2045-47001 MIL-2045-47001
1581 UDP mil-2045-47001 MIL-2045-47001
1582 TCP msims MSIMS
1582 UDP msims MSIMS
1583 TCP simbaexpress simbaexpress
1583 UDP simbaexpress simbaexpress
1584 TCP tn-tl-fd2 tn-tl-fd2
1584 UDP tn-tl-fd2 tn-tl-fd2
1585 TCP intv intv
1585 UDP intv intv
1586 TCP ibm-abtact ibm-abtact
1586 UDP ibm-abtact ibm-abtact
1587 TCP pra_elmd pra_elmd
1587 UDP pra_elmd pra_elmd
1588 TCP triquest-lm triquest-lm
1588 UDP triquest-lm triquest-lm
1589 TCP vqp VQP
1589 UDP vqp VQP
1590 TCP gemini-lm gemini-lm
1590 UDP gemini-lm gemini-lm
1591 TCP ncpm-pm ncpm-pm
1591 UDP ncpm-pm ncpm-pm
1592 TCP commonspace commonspace
1592 UDP commonspace commonspace
1593 TCP mainsoft-lm mainsoft-lm
1593 UDP mainsoft-lm mainsoft-lm
1594 TCP sixtrak sixtrak
1594 UDP sixtrak sixtrak
1595 TCP radio radio
1595 UDP radio radio
1596 TCP radio-sm radio-sm
1596 UDP radio-bc radio-bc
1597 TCP orbplus-iiop orbplus-iiop
1597 UDP orbplus-iiop orbplus-iiop
1598 TCP picknfs picknfs
1598 UDP picknfs picknfs
1599 TCP simbaservices simbaservices
1599 UDP simbaservices simbaservices
1600 TCP issd  Direct Connection, Shivka-Burka, DirectConnection
1600 UDP issd
1601 TCP aas aas DirectConnection
1601 UDP aas aas
1602 TCP inspect inspect DirectConnection
1602 UDP inspect inspect
1603 TCP picodbc pickodbc
1603 UDP picodbc pickodbc
1604 TCP icabrowser icabrowser
1604 UDP icabrowser icabrowser
1605 TCP slp Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol)
1605 UDP slp Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol)
1606 TCP slm-api Salutation Manager (SLM-API)
1606 UDP slm-api Salutation Manager (SLM-API)
1607 TCP stt stt
1607 UDP stt stt
1608 TCP smart-lm Smart Corp. License Manager
1608 UDP smart-lm Smart Corp. License Manager
1609 TCP isysg-lm isysg-lm
1609 UDP isysg-lm isysg-lm
1610 TCP taurus-wh taurus-wh
1610 UDP taurus-wh taurus-wh
1611 TCP ill Inter Library Loan
1611 UDP ill Inter Library Loan
1612 TCP netbill-trans NetBill Transaction Server
1612 UDP netbill-trans NetBill Transaction Server
1613 TCP netbill-keyrep NetBill Key Repository
1613 UDP netbill-keyrep NetBill Key Repository
1614 TCP netbill-cred NetBill Credential Server
1614 UDP netbill-cred NetBill Credential Server
1615 TCP netbill-auth NetBill Authorization Server
1615 UDP netbill-auth NetBill Authorization Server
1616 TCP netbill-prod NetBill Product Server
1616 UDP netbill-prod NetBill Product Server
1617 TCP nimrod-agent Nimrod Inter-Agent Communication
1617 UDP nimrod-agent Nimrod Inter-Agent Communication
1618 TCP skytelnet skytelnet
1618 UDP skytelnet skytelnet
1619 TCP xs-openstorage xs-openstorage
1619 UDP xs-openstorage xs-openstorage
1620 TCP faxportwinport faxportwinport
1620 UDP faxportwinport faxportwinport
1621 TCP softdataphone softdataphone
1621 UDP softdataphone softdataphone
1622 TCP ontime ontime
1622 UDP ontime ontime
1623 TCP jaleosnd jaleosnd
1623 UDP jaleosnd jaleosnd
1624 TCP udp-sr-port udp-sr-port
1624 UDP udp-sr-port udp-sr-port
1625 TCP svs-omagent svs-omagent
1625 UDP svs-omagent svs-omagent
1626 TCP shockwave Shockwave
1626 UDP shockwave Shockwave
1627 TCP t128-gateway T.128 Gateway
1627 UDP t128-gateway T.128 Gateway
1628 TCP lontalk-norm LonTalk normal
1628 UDP lontalk-norm LonTalk normal
1629 TCP lontalk-urgnt LonTalk urgent
1629 UDP lontalk-urgnt LonTalk urgent
1630 TCP oraclenet8cman Oracle Net8 Cman
1630 UDP oraclenet8cman Oracle Net8 Cman
1631 TCP visitview Visit view
1631 UDP visitview Visit view
1632 TCP pammratc PAMMRATC
1632 UDP pammratc PAMMRATC
1633 TCP pammrpc PAMMRPC
1633 UDP pammrpc PAMMRPC
1634 TCP loaprobe Log On America Probe NetCrack
1634 UDP loaprobe Log On America Probe
1635 TCP edb-server1 EDB Server 1
1635 UDP edb-server1 EDB Server 1
1636 TCP cncp CableNet Control Protocol
1636 UDP cncp CableNet Control Protocol
1637 TCP cnap CableNet Admin Protocol
1637 UDP cnap CableNet Admin Protocol
1638 TCP cnip CableNet Info Protocol
1638 UDP cnip CableNet Info Protocol
1639 TCP cert-initiator cert-initiator
1639 UDP cert-initiator cert-initiator
1640 TCP cert-responder cert-responder
1640 UDP cert-responder cert-responder
1641 TCP invision InVision
1641 UDP invision InVision
1642 TCP isis-am isis-am
1642 UDP isis-am isis-am
1643 TCP isis-ambc isis-ambc
1643 UDP isis-ambc isis-ambc
1644 TCP saiseh Satellite-data Acquisition System 4
1645 TCP sightline SightLine
1645 UDP sightline SightLine
1646 TCP sa-msg-port sa-msg-port
1646 UDP sa-msg-port sa-msg-port
1647 TCP rsap rsap
1647 UDP rsap rsap
1648 TCP concurrent-lm concurrent-lm
1648 UDP concurrent-lm concurrent-lm
1649 TCP kermit kermit
1649 UDP kermit kermit
1650 TCP nkd nkdn
1650 UDP nkd nkd
1651 TCP shiva_confsrvr shiva_confsrvr
1651 UDP shiva_confsrvr shiva_confsrvr
1652 TCP xnmp xnmp
1652 UDP xnmp xnmp
1653 TCP alphatech-lm alphatech-lm
1653 UDP alphatech-lm alphatech-lm
1654 TCP stargatealert!s stargatealert!s
1654 UDP stargatealert!s stargatealert!s
1655 TCP dec-mbadmin dec-mbadmin
1655 UDP dec-mbadmin dec-mbadmin
1656 TCP dec-mbadmin-h dec-mbadmin-h
1656 UDP dec-mbadmin-h dec-mbadmin-h
1657 TCP fujitsu-mmpdc fujitsu-mmpdc
1657 UDP fujitsu-mmpdc fujitsu-mmpdc
1658 TCP sixnetudr sixnetudr
1658 UDP sixnetudr sixnetudr
1659 TCP sg-lm Silicon Grail License Manager
1659 UDP sg-lm Silicon Grail License Manager
1660 TCP skip-mc-gikreq skip-mc-gikreq
1660 UDP skip-mc-gikreq skip-mc-gikreq
1661 TCP netview-aix-1 netview-aix-1
1661 UDP netview-aix-1 netview-aix-1
1662 TCP netview-aix-2 netview-aix-2
1662 UDP netview-aix-2 netview-aix-2
1663 TCP netview-aix-3 netview-aix-3
1663 UDP netview-aix-3 netview-aix-3
1664 TCP netview-aix-4 netview-aix-4
1664 UDP netview-aix-4 netview-aix-4
1665 TCP netview-aix-5 netview-aix-5
1665 UDP netview-aix-5 netview-aix-5
1666 TCP netview-aix-6 netview-aix-6
1666 UDP netview-aix-6 netview-aix-6
1667 TCP netview-aix-7 netview-aix-7
1667 UDP netview-aix-7 netview-aix-7
1668 TCP netview-aix-8 netview-aix-8
1668 UDP netview-aix-8 netview-aix-8
1669 TCP netview-aix-9 netview-aix-9
1669 UDP netview-aix-9 netview-aix-9
1670 TCP netview-aix-10 netview-aix-10
1670 UDP netview-aix-10 netview-aix-10
1671 TCP netview-aix-11 netview-aix-11
1671 UDP netview-aix-11 netview-aix-11
1672 TCP netview-aix-12 netview-aix-12
1672 UDP netview-aix-12 netview-aix-12
1673 TCP proshare-mc-1 Intel Proshare Multicast
1673 UDP proshare-mc-1 Intel Proshare Multicast
1674 TCP proshare-mc-2 Intel Proshare Multicast
1674 UDP proshare-mc-2 Intel Proshare Multicast
1675 TCP pdp Pacific Data Products
1675 UDP pdp Pacific Data Products
1676 TCP netcomm1 netcomm1
1676 UDP netcomm2 netcomm2
1677 TCP groupwise groupwise
1677 UDP groupwise groupwise
1678 TCP prolink prolink
1678 UDP prolink prolink
1679 TCP darcorp-lm darcorp-lm
1679 UDP darcorp-lm darcorp-lm
1680 TCP microcom-sbp microcom-sbp
1680 UDP microcom-sbp microcom-sbp
1681 TCP sd-elmd sd-elmd
1681 UDP sd-elmd sd-elmd
1682 TCP lanyon-lantern lanyon-lantern
1682 UDP lanyon-lantern lanyon-lantern
1683 TCP ncpm-hip ncpm-hip
1683 UDP ncpm-hip ncpm-hip
1684 TCP snaresecure SnareSecure
1684 UDP snaresecure SnareSecure
1685 TCP n2nremote n2nremote
1685 UDP n2nremote n2nremote
1686 TCP cvmon cvmon
1686 UDP cvmon cvmon
1687 TCP nsjtp-ctrl nsjtp-ctrl
1687 UDP nsjtp-ctrl nsjtp-ctrl
1688 TCP nsjtp-data nsjtp-data
1688 UDP nsjtp-data nsjtp-data
1689 TCP firefox firefox
1689 UDP firefox firefox
1690 TCP ng-umds ng-umds
1690 UDP ng-umds ng-umds
1691 TCP empire-empuma empire-empuma
1691 UDP empire-empuma empire-empuma
1692 TCP sstsys-lm sstsys-lm
1692 UDP sstsys-lm sstsys-lm
1693 TCP rrirtr rrirtr
1693 UDP rrirtr rrirtr
1694 TCP rrimwm rrimwm
1694 UDP rrimwm rrimwm
1695 TCP rrilwm rrilwm
1695 UDP rrilwm rrilwm
1696 TCP rrifmm rrifmm
1696 UDP rrifmm rrifmm
1697 TCP rrisat rrisat
1697 UDP rrisat rrisat
1698 TCP rsvp-encap-1 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-1
1698 UDP rsvp-encap-1 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-1
1699 TCP rsvp-encap-2 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-2
1699 UDP rsvp-encap-2 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-2
1700 TCP mps-raft mps-raft
1700 UDP mps-raft mps-raft
1701 TCP l2tp l2tp
1701 UDP l2tp l2tp
1702 TCP deskshare deskshare
1702 UDP deskshare deskshare
1703 TCP hb-engine hb-engine Exploiter
1703 UDP hb-engine hb-engine
1704 TCP bcs-broker bcs-broker
1704 UDP bcs-broker bcs-broker
1705 TCP slingshot slingshot
1705 UDP slingshot slingshot
1706 TCP jetform jetform
1706 UDP jetform jetform
1707 TCP vdmplay vdmplay
1707 UDP vdmplay vdmplay
1708 TCP gat-lmd gat-lmd
1708 UDP gat-lmd gat-lmd
1709 TCP centra centra
1709 UDP centra centra
1710 TCP impera impera
1710 UDP impera impera
1711 TCP pptconference pptconference
1711 UDP pptconference pptconference
1712 TCP registrar resource monitoring service
1712 UDP registrar resource monitoring service
1713 TCP conferencetalk ConferenceTalk
1713 UDP conferencetalk ConferenceTalk
1714 TCP sesi-lm sesi-lm
1714 UDP sesi-lm sesi-lm
1715 TCP houdini-lm houdini-lm
1715 UDP houdini-lm houdini-lm
1716 TCP xmsg xmsg
1716 UDP xmsg xmsg
1717 TCP fj-hdnet fj-hdnet
1717 UDP fj-hdnet fj-hdnet
1718 TCP h323gatedisc h323gatedisc
1718 UDP h323gatedisc h323gatedisc
1719 TCP h323gatestat h323gatestat
1719 UDP h323gatestat h323gatestat
1720 TCP h323hostcall h323hostcall
1720 UDP h323hostcall h323hostcall
1721 TCP caicci caicci
1721 UDP caicci caicci
1722 TCP hks-lm HKS License Manager
1722 UDP hks-lm HKS License Manager
1723 TCP pptp pptp
1723 UDP pptp pptp
1724 TCP csbphonemaster csbphonemaster
1724 UDP csbphonemaster csbphonemaster
1725 TCP iden-ralp iden-ralp
1725 UDP iden-ralp iden-ralp
1726 TCP iberiagames IBERIAGAMES
1726 UDP iberiagames IBERIAGAMES
1727 TCP winddx winddx
1727 UDP winddx winddx
1728 TCP telindus TELINDUS
1728 UDP telindus TELINDUS
1729 TCP citynl CityNL License Management
1729 UDP citynl CityNL License Management
1730 TCP roketz roketz
1730 UDP roketz roketz
1731 TCP msiccp MSICCP
1731 UDP msiccp MSICCP
1732 TCP proxim proxim
1732 UDP proxim proxim
1733 TCP siipat SIMS - SIIPAT Protocol for Alarm Transmission
1733 UDP siipat SIMS - SIIPAT Protocol for Alarm Transmission
1734 TCP cambertx-lm Camber Corporation License Management
1734 UDP cambertx-lm Camber Corporation License Management
1735 TCP privatechat PrivateChat
1735 UDP privatechat PrivateChat
1736 TCP street-stream street-stream
1736 UDP street-stream street-stream
1737 TCP ultimad ultimad
1737 UDP ultimad ultimad
1738 TCP gamegen1 GameGen1
1738 UDP gamegen1 GameGen1
1739 TCP webaccess webaccess
1739 UDP webaccess webaccess
1740 TCP encore encore
1740 UDP encore encore
1741 TCP cisco-net-mgmt cisco-net-mgmt
1741 UDP cisco-net-mgmt cisco-net-mgmt
1742 TCP 3Com-nsd 3Com-nsd
1742 UDP 3Com-nsd 3Com-nsd
1743 TCP cinegrfx-lm Cinema Graphics License Manager
1743 UDP cinegrfx-lm Cinema Graphics License Manager
1744 TCP ncpm-ft ncpm-ft
1744 UDP ncpm-ft ncpm-ft
1745 TCP remote-winsock remote-winsock
1745 UDP remote-winsock remote-winsock
1746 TCP ftrapid-1 ftrapid-1
1746 UDP ftrapid-1 ftrapid-1
1747 TCP ftrapid-2 ftrapid-2
1747 UDP ftrapid-2 ftrapid-2
1748 TCP oracle-em1 oracle-em1
1748 UDP oracle-em1 oracle-em1
1749 TCP aspen-services aspen-services
1749 UDP aspen-services aspen-services
1750 TCP sslp Simple Socket Library's PortMaster
1750 UDP sslp Simple Socket Library's PortMaster
1751 TCP swiftnet SwiftNet
1751 UDP swiftnet SwiftNet
1752 TCP lofr-lm Leap of Faith Research License Manager
1752 UDP lofr-lm Leap of Faith Research License Manager
1754 TCP oracle-em2 oracle-em2
1754 UDP oracle-em2 oracle-em2
1755 TCP ms-streaming ms-streaming
1755 UDP ms-streaming ms-streaming
1756 TCP capfast-lmd capfast-lmd
1756 UDP capfast-lmd capfast-lmd
1757 TCP cnhrp cnhrp
1757 UDP cnhrp cnhrp
1758 TCP tftp-mcast tftp-mcast
1758 UDP tftp-mcast tftp-mcast
1759 TCP spss-lm SPSS License Manager
1759 UDP spss-lm SPSS License Manager
1760 TCP www-ldap-gw www-ldap-gw
1760 UDP www-ldap-gw www-ldap-gw
1761 TCP cft-0 cft-0
1761 UDP cft-0 cft-0
1762 TCP cft-1 cft-1
1762 UDP cft-1 cft-1
1763 TCP cft-2 cft-2
1763 UDP cft-2 cft-2
1764 TCP cft-3 cft-3
1764 UDP cft-3 cft-3
1765 TCP cft-4 cft-4
1765 UDP cft-4 cft-4
1766 TCP cft-5 cft-5
1766 UDP cft-5 cft-5
1767 TCP cft-6 cft-6
1767 UDP cft-6 cft-6
1768 TCP cft-7 cft-7
1768 UDP cft-7 cft-7
1769 TCP bmc-net-adm bmc-net-adm
1769 UDP bmc-net-adm bmc-net-adm
1770 TCP bmc-net-svc bmc-net-svc
1770 UDP bmc-net-svc bmc-net-svc
1771 TCP vaultbase vaultbase
1771 UDP vaultbase vaultbase
1772 TCP essweb-gw EssWeb Gateway
1772 UDP essweb-gw EssWeb Gateway
1773 TCP kmscontrol KMSControl
1773 UDP kmscontrol KMSControl
1774 TCP global-dtserv global-dtserv
1774 UDP global-dtserv global-dtserv
1776 TCP femis Federal Emergency Management Information System
1776 UDP femis Federal Emergency Management Information System
1777 TCP powerguardian powerguardian Scarab
1777 UDP powerguardian powerguardian
1778 TCP prodigy-intrnet prodigy-internet
1778 UDP prodigy-intrnet prodigy-internet
1779 TCP pharmasoft pharmasoft
1779 UDP pharmasoft pharmasoft
1780 TCP dpkeyserv dpkeyserv
1780 UDP dpkeyserv dpkeyserv
1781 TCP answersoft-lm answersoft-lm
1781 UDP answersoft-lm answersoft-lm
1782 TCP hp-hcip hp-hcip
1782 UDP hp-hcip hp-hcip
1784 TCP finle-lm Finle License Manager Snid
1784 UDP finle-lm Finle License Manager
1785 TCP windlm Wind River Systems License Manager
1785 UDP windlm Wind River Systems License Manager
1786 TCP funk-logger funk-logger
1786 UDP funk-logger funk-logger
1787 TCP funk-license funk-license
1787 UDP funk-license funk-license
1788 TCP psmond psmond
1788 UDP psmond psmond
1789 TCP hello hello
1789 UDP hello hello
1790 TCP nmsp Narrative Media Streaming Protocol
1790 UDP nmsp Narrative Media Streaming Protocol
1791 TCP ea1 EA1
1791 UDP ea1 EA1
1792 TCP ibm-dt-2 ibm-dt-2
1792 UDP ibm-dt-2 ibm-dt-2
1793 TCP rsc-robot rsc-robot
1793 UDP rsc-robot rsc-robot
1794 TCP cera-bcm cera-bcm
1794 UDP cera-bcm cera-bcm
1795 TCP dpi-proxy dpi-proxy
1795 UDP dpi-proxy dpi-proxy
1796 TCP vocaltec-admin Vocaltec Server Administration
1796 UDP vocaltec-admin Vocaltec Server Administration
1797 TCP uma UMA
1797 UDP uma UMA
1798 TCP etp Event Transfer Protocol
1798 UDP etp Event Transfer Protocol
1799 TCP netrisk NETRISK
1799 UDP netrisk NETRISK
1800 TCP ansys-lm ANSYS-License manager
1800 UDP ansys-lm ANSYS-License manager
1801 TCP msmq Microsoft Message Que
1801 UDP msmq Microsoft Message Que
1802 TCP concomp1 ConComp1
1802 UDP concomp1 ConComp1
1803 TCP hp-hcip-gwy HP-HCIP-GWY
1803 UDP hp-hcip-gwy HP-HCIP-GWY
1804 TCP enl ENL
1804 UDP enl ENL
1805 TCP enl-name ENL-Name
1805 UDP enl-name ENL-Name
1806 TCP musiconline Musiconline
1806 UDP musiconline Musiconline
1807 TCP fhsp Fujitsu Hot Standby Protocol Spy Sender, SpySender
1807 UDP fhsp Fujitsu Hot Standby Protocol
1808 TCP oracle-vp2 Oracle-VP2
1808 UDP oracle-vp2 Oracle-VP2
1809 TCP oracle-vp1 Oracle-VP1
1809 UDP oracle-vp1 Oracle-VP1
1810 TCP jerand-lm Jerand License Manager
1810 UDP jerand-lm Jerand License Manager
1811 TCP scientia-sdb Scientia-SDB
1811 UDP scientia-sdb Scientia-SDB
1812 TCP radius RADIUS
1812 UDP radius RADIUS
1813 TCP radius-acct RADIUS Accounting
1813 UDP radius-acct RADIUS Accounting
1814 TCP tdp-suite TDP Suite
1814 UDP tdp-suite TDP Suite
1815 TCP mmpft MMPFT
1815 UDP mmpft MMPFT
1816 TCP harp HARP
1816 UDP harp HARP
1817 TCP rkb-oscs RKB-OSCS
1817 UDP rkb-oscs RKB-OSCS
1818 TCP etftp Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol
1818 UDP etftp Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol
1819 TCP plato-lm Plato License Manager
1819 UDP plato-lm Plato License Manager
1820 TCP mcagent mcagent
1820 UDP mcagent mcagent
1821 TCP donnyworld donnyworld
1821 UDP donnyworld donnyworld
1822 TCP es-elmd es-elmd
1822 UDP es-elmd es-elmd
1823 TCP unisys-lm Unisys Natural Language License Manager
1823 UDP unisys-lm Unisys Natural Language License Manager
1824 TCP metrics-pas metrics-pas
1824 UDP metrics-pas metrics-pas
1825 TCP direcpc-video DirecPC Video
1825 UDP direcpc-video DirecPC Video
1826 TCP ardt ARDT Glacier
1826 UDP ardt ARDT
1827 TCP asi ASI
1827 UDP asi ASI
1828 TCP itm-mcell-u itm-mcell-u
1828 UDP itm-mcell-u itm-mcell-u
1829 TCP optika-emedia Optika eMedia
1829 UDP optika-emedia Optika eMedia
1830 TCP net8-cman Oracle Net8 CMan Admin
1830 UDP net8-cman Oracle Net8 CMan Admin
1831 TCP myrtle Myrtle
1831 UDP myrtle Myrtle
1832 TCP tht-treasure ThoughtTreasure
1832 UDP tht-treasure ThoughtTreasure
1833 TCP udpradio udpradio
1833 UDP udpradio udpradio
1834 TCP ardusuni ARDUS Unicast
1834 UDP ardusuni ARDUS Unicast
1835 TCP ardusmul ARDUS Multicast
1835 UDP ardusmul ARDUS Multicast
1836 TCP ste-smsc ste-smsc
1836 UDP ste-smsc ste-smsc
1837 TCP csoft1 csoft1
1837 UDP csoft1 csoft1
1838 TCP talnet TALNET
1838 UDP talnet TALNET
1839 TCP netopia-vo1 netopia-vo1
1839 UDP netopia-vo1 netopia-vo1
1840 TCP netopia-vo2 netopia-vo2
1840 UDP netopia-vo2 netopia-vo2
1841 TCP netopia-vo3 netopia-vo3
1841 UDP netopia-vo3 netopia-vo3
1842 TCP netopia-vo4 netopia-vo4
1842 UDP netopia-vo4 netopia-vo4
1843 TCP netopia-vo5 netopia-vo5
1843 UDP netopia-vo5 netopia-vo5
1844 TCP direcpc-dll DirecPC-DLL
1844 UDP direcpc-dll DirecPC-DLL
1845 TCP altalink altalink
1845 UDP altalink altalink
1846 TCP tunstall-pnc Tunstall PNC
1846 UDP tunstall-pnc Tunstall PNC
1847 TCP slp-notify SLP Notification
1847 UDP slp-notify SLP Notification
1848 TCP fjdocdist fjdocdist
1848 UDP fjdocdist fjdocdist
1849 TCP alpha-sms ALPHA-SMS
1849 UDP alpha-sms ALPHA-SMS
1850 TCP gsi GSI
1850 UDP gsi GSI
1851 TCP ctcd ctcd
1851 UDP ctcd ctcd
1852 TCP virtual-time Virtual Time
1852 UDP virtual-time Virtual Time
1853 TCP vids-avtp VIDS-AVTP
1853 UDP vids-avtp VIDS-AVTP
1854 TCP buddy-draw Buddy Draw
1854 UDP buddy-draw Buddy Draw
1855 TCP fiorano-rtrsvc Fiorano RtrSvc
1855 UDP fiorano-rtrsvc Fiorano RtrSvc
1856 TCP fiorano-msgsvc Fiorano MsgSvc
1856 UDP fiorano-msgsvc Fiorano MsgSvc
1857 TCP datacaptor DataCaptor
1857 UDP datacaptor DataCaptor
1858 TCP privateark PrivateArk
1858 UDP privateark PrivateArk
1859 TCP gammafetchsvr Gamma Fetcher Server
1859 UDP gammafetchsvr Gamma Fetcher Server
1860 TCP sunscalar-svc SunSCALAR Services
1860 UDP sunscalar-svc SunSCALAR Services
1861 TCP lecroy-vicp LeCroy VICP
1861 UDP lecroy-vicp LeCroy VICP
1862 TCP techra-server techra-server
1862 UDP techra-server techra-server
1863 TCP msnp MSNP
1863 UDP msnp MSNP
1864 TCP paradym-31port Paradym 31 Port
1864 UDP paradym-31port Paradym 31 Port
1865 TCP entp ENTP
1865 UDP entp ENTP
1866 TCP swrmi swrmi
1866 UDP swrmi swrmi
1867 TCP udrive UDRIVE
1867 UDP udrive UDRIVE
1868 TCP viziblebrowser VizibleBrowser
1868 UDP viziblebrowser VizibleBrowser
1869 TCP yestrader YesTrader
1869 UDP yestrader YesTrader
1870 TCP sunscalar-dns SunSCALAR DNS Service
1870 UDP sunscalar-dns SunSCALAR DNS Service
1871 TCP canocentral0 Cano Central 0
1871 UDP canocentral0 Cano Central 0
1872 TCP canocentral1 Cano Central 1
1872 UDP canocentral1 Cano Central 1
1873 TCP fjmpjps Fjmpjps
1873 UDP fjmpjps Fjmpjps
1874 TCP fjswapsnp Fjswapsnp
1874 UDP fjswapsnp Fjswapsnp
1875 TCP westell-stats westell stats
1875 UDP westell-stats westell stats
1876 TCP ewcappsrv ewcappsrv
1876 UDP ewcappsrv ewcappsrv
1877 TCP hp-webqosdb hp-webqosdb
1877 UDP hp-webqosdb hp-webqosdb
1878 TCP drmsmc drmsmc
1878 UDP drmsmc drmsmc
1879 TCP nettgain-nms NettGain NMS
1879 UDP nettgain-nms NettGain NMS
1880 TCP vsat-control Gilat VSAT Control
1880 UDP vsat-control Gilat VSAT Control
1881 TCP ibm-mqseries2 IBM WebSphere MQ Everyplace
1881 UDP ibm-mqseries2 IBM WebSphere MQ Everyplace
1882 TCP ecsqdmn ecsqdmn
1882 UDP ecsqdmn ecsqdmn
1883 TCP ibm-mqisdp IBM MQSeries SCADA
1883 UDP ibm-mqisdp IBM MQSeries SCADA
1884 TCP idmaps Internet Distance Map Svc
1884 UDP idmaps Internet Distance Map Svc
1885 TCP vrtstrapserver Veritas Trap Server
1885 UDP vrtstrapserver Veritas Trap Server
1886 TCP leoip Leonardo over IP
1886 UDP leoip Leonardo over IP
1887 TCP filex-lport FileX Listening Port
1887 UDP filex-lport FileX Listening Port
1888 TCP ncconfig NC Config Port
1888 UDP ncconfig NC Config Port
1889 TCP unify-adapter Unify Web Adapter Service
1889 UDP unify-adapter Unify Web Adapter Service
1890 TCP wilkenlistener wilkenListener
1890 UDP wilkenlistener wilkenListener
1891 TCP childkey-notif ChildKey Notification
1891 UDP childkey-notif ChildKey Notification
1892 TCP childkey-ctrl ChildKey Control
1892 UDP childkey-ctrl ChildKey Control
1893 TCP elad ELAD Protocol
1893 UDP elad ELAD Protocol
1894 TCP o2server-port O2Server Port
1894 UDP o2server-port O2Server Port
1896 TCP b-novative-ls b-novative license server
1896 UDP b-novative-ls b-novative license server
1897 TCP metaagent MetaAgent
1897 UDP metaagent MetaAgent
1898 TCP cymtec-port Cymtec secure management
1898 UDP cymtec-port Cymtec secure management
1899 TCP mc2studios MC2Studios
1899 UDP mc2studios MC2Studios
1900 TCP ssdp SSDP
1900 UDP ssdp SSDP
1901 TCP fjicl-tep-a Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program A
1901 UDP fjicl-tep-a Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program A
1902 TCP fjicl-tep-b Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program B
1902 UDP fjicl-tep-b Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program B
1903 TCP linkname Local Link Name Resolution
1903 UDP linkname Local Link Name Resolution
1904 TCP fjicl-tep-c Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program C
1904 UDP fjicl-tep-c Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program C
1905 TCP sugp Secure UP.Link Gateway Protocol
1905 UDP sugp Secure UP.Link Gateway Protocol
1906 TCP tpmd TPortMapperReq
1906 UDP tpmd TPortMapperReq
1907 TCP intrastar IntraSTAR
1907 UDP intrastar IntraSTAR
1908 TCP dawn Dawn
1908 UDP dawn Dawn
1909 TCP global-wlink Global World Link
1909 UDP global-wlink Global World Link
1910 TCP ultrabac UltraBac Software communications port
1910 UDP ultrabac UltraBac Software communications port
1911 TCP mtp Starlight Networks Multimedia Transport Protocol
1911 UDP mtp Starlight Networks Multimedia Transport Protocol
1912 TCP rhp-iibp rhp-iibp
1912 UDP rhp-iibp rhp-iibp
1913 TCP armadp armadp
1913 UDP armadp armadp
1914 TCP elm-momentum Elm-Momentum
1914 UDP elm-momentum Elm-Momentum
1915 TCP facelink FACELINK
1915 UDP facelink FACELINK
1916 TCP persona Persoft Persona
1916 UDP persona Persoft Persona
1917 TCP noagent nOAgent
1917 UDP noagent nOAgent
1918 TCP can-nds Candle Directory Service - NDS
1918 UDP can-nds Candle Directory Service - NDS
1919 TCP can-dch Candle Directory Service - DCH
1919 UDP can-dch Candle Directory Service - DCH
1920 TCP can-ferret Candle Directory Service - FERRET
1920 UDP can-ferret Candle Directory Service - FERRET
1921 TCP noadmin NoAdmin
1921 UDP noadmin NoAdmin
1922 TCP tapestry Tapestry
1922 UDP tapestry Tapestry
1923 TCP spice SPICE
1923 UDP spice SPICE
1924 TCP xiip XIIP
1924 UDP xiip XIIP
1925 TCP discovery-port Surrogate Discovery Port
1925 UDP discovery-port Surrogate Discovery Port
1926 TCP egs Evolution Game Server
1926 UDP egs Evolution Game Server
1927 TCP videte-cipc Videte CIPC Port
1927 UDP videte-cipc Videte CIPC Port
1928 TCP emsd-port Expnd Maui Srvr Dscovr
1928 UDP emsd-port Expnd Maui Srvr Dscovr
1929 TCP bandwiz-system Bandwiz System - Server
1929 UDP bandwiz-system Bandwiz System - Server
1930 TCP driveappserver Drive AppServer
1930 UDP driveappserver Drive AppServer
1931 TCP amdsched AMD SCHED
1931 UDP amdsched AMD SCHED
1932 TCP ctt-broker CTT Broker
1932 UDP ctt-broker CTT Broker
1933 TCP xmapi IBM LM MT Agent
1933 UDP xmapi IBM LM MT Agent
1934 TCP xaapi IBM LM Appl Agent
1934 UDP xaapi IBM LM Appl Agent
1935 TCP macromedia-fcs Macromedia Flash Communications Server MX
1935 UDP macromedia-fcs Macromedia Flash Communications server MX
1936 TCP jetcmeserver JetCmeServer Server Port
1936 UDP jetcmeserver JetCmeServer Server Port
1937 TCP jwserver JetVWay Server Port
1937 UDP jwserver JetVWay Server Port
1938 TCP jwclient JetVWay Client Port
1938 UDP jwclient JetVWay Client Port
1939 TCP jvserver JetVision Server Port
1939 UDP jvserver JetVision Server Port
1940 TCP jvclient JetVision Client Port
1940 UDP jvclient JetVision Client Port
1941 TCP dic-aida DIC-Aida
1941 UDP dic-aida DIC-Aida
1942 TCP res Real Enterprise Service
1942 UDP res Real Enterprise Service
1943 TCP beeyond-media Beeyond Media
1943 UDP beeyond-media Beeyond Media
1944 TCP close-combat close-combat
1944 UDP close-combat close-combat
1945 TCP dialogic-elmd dialogic-elmd
1945 UDP dialogic-elmd dialogic-elmd
1946 TCP tekpls tekpls
1946 UDP tekpls tekpls
1947 TCP hlserver hlserver
1947 UDP hlserver hlserver
1948 TCP eye2eye eye2eye
1948 UDP eye2eye eye2eye
1949 TCP ismaeasdaqlive ISMA Easdaq Live
1949 UDP ismaeasdaqlive ISMA Easdaq Live
1950 TCP ismaeasdaqtest ISMA Easdaq Test
1950 UDP ismaeasdaqtest ISMA Easdaq Test
1951 TCP bcs-lmserver bcs-lmserver
1951 UDP bcs-lmserver bcs-lmserver
1952 TCP mpnjsc mpnjsc
1952 UDP mpnjsc mpnjsc
1953 TCP rapidbase Rapid Base
1953 UDP rapidbase Rapid Base
1954 TCP abr-basic ABR-Basic Data
1954 UDP abr-basic ABR-Basic Data
1955 TCP abr-secure ABR-Secure Data
1955 UDP abr-secure ABR-Secure Data
1956 TCP vrtl-vmf-ds Vertel VMF DS
1956 UDP vrtl-vmf-ds Vertel VMF DS
1957 TCP unix-status unix-status
1957 UDP unix-status unix-status
1958 TCP dxadmind CA Administration Daemon
1958 UDP dxadmind CA Administration Daemon
1959 TCP simp-all SIMP Channel
1959 UDP simp-all SIMP Channel
1960 TCP nasmanager Merit DAC NASmanager
1960 UDP nasmanager Merit DAC NASmanager
1961 TCP bts-appserver BTS APPSERVER
1961 UDP bts-appserver BTS APPSERVER
1962 TCP biap-mp BIAP-MP
1962 UDP biap-mp BIAP-MP
1963 TCP webmachine WebMachine
1963 UDP webmachine WebMachine
1964 TCP solid-e-engine SOLID E ENGINE
1964 UDP solid-e-engine SOLID E ENGINE
1965 TCP tivoli-npm Tivoli NPM
1965 UDP tivoli-npm Tivoli NPM
1966 TCP slush Slush Fake FTP
1966 UDP slush Slush
1967 TCP sns-quote SNS Quote For Your Eyes Only - FYEO, WM FTP Server
1967 UDP sns-quote SNS Quote
1968 TCP lipsinc LIPSinc
1968 UDP lipsinc LIPSinc
1969 TCP lipsinc1 LIPSinc 1 OpC BO
1969 UDP lipsinc1 LIPSinc 1
1970 TCP netop-rc NetOp Remote Control
1970 UDP netop-rc NetOp Remote Control
1971 TCP netop-school NetOp School
1971 UDP netop-school NetOp School
1972 TCP intersys-cache Cache
1972 UDP intersys-cache Cache
1973 TCP dlsrap Data Link Switching Remote Access Protocol
1973 UDP dlsrap Data Link Switching Remote Access Protocol
1974 TCP drp DRP
1974 UDP drp DRP
1975 TCP tcoflashagent TCO Flash Agent
1975 UDP tcoflashagent TCO Flash Agent
1976 TCP tcoregagent TCO Reg Agent
1976 UDP tcoregagent TCO Reg Agent
1977 TCP tcoaddressbook TCO Address Book
1977 UDP tcoaddressbook TCO Address Book
1978 TCP unisql UniSQL
1978 UDP unisql UniSQL
1979 TCP unisql-java UniSQL Java
1979 UDP unisql-java UniSQL Java
1980 TCP pearldoc-xact PearlDoc XACT
1980 UDP pearldoc-xact PearlDoc XACT
1981 TCP p2pq p2pQ Bowl, Shockrave
1981 UDP p2pq p2pQ
1982 TCP estamp Evidentiary Timestamp
1982 UDP estamp Evidentiary Timestamp
1983 TCP lhtp Loophole Test Protocol
1983 UDP lhtp Loophole Test Protocol
1984 TCP bb BB
1984 UDP bb BB
1985 TCP hsrp Hot Standby Router Protocol
1985 UDP hsrp Hot Standby Router Protocol
1986 TCP licensedaemon cisco license management
1986 UDP licensedaemon cisco license management
1987 TCP tr-rsrb-p1 cisco RSRB Priority 1 port
1987 UDP tr-rsrb-p1 cisco RSRB Priority 1 port
1988 TCP tr-rsrb-p2 cisco RSRB Priority 2 port
1988 UDP tr-rsrb-p2 cisco RSRB Priority 2 port
1989 TCP mshnet MHSnet system
1989 UDP mshnet MHSnet system
1990 TCP stun-p1 cisco STUN Priority 1 port
1990 UDP stun-p1 cisco STUN Priority 1 port
1991 TCP stun-p2 cisco STUN Priority 2 port PitFall
1991 UDP stun-p2 cisco STUN Priority 2 port
1992 TCP ipsendmsg IPsendmsg
1992 UDP ipsendmsg IPsendmsg
1993 TCP snmp-tcp-port cisco SNMP TCP port
1993 UDP snmp-tcp-port cisco SNMP TCP port
1994 TCP stun-port cisco serial tunnel port
1994 UDP stun-port cisco serial tunnel port
1995 TCP perf-port cisco perf port
1995 UDP perf-port cisco perf port
1996 TCP tr-rsrb-port cisco Remote SRB port
1996 UDP tr-rsrb-port cisco Remote SRB port
1997 TCP gdp-port cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
1997 UDP gdp-port cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
1998 TCP x25-svc-port cisco X.25 service (XOT)
1998 UDP x25-svc-port cisco X.25 service (XOT)
1999 TCP tcp-id-port cisco identification port Back Door, SubSeven, TransScout, TransmissionScout
1999 UDP tcp-id-port cisco identification port
2000 TCP cisco-sccp Cisco SCCP Remote Explorer 2000, Last 2000, Insane Network, Der Späher / Der Spaeher, Senna Spy Trojan Generator, ATrojan, InsaneNetwork
2000 UDP cisco-sccp Cisco SCCp
2001 TCP dc  Der Spaeher 3, TransScout, Trojan Cow, Der Späher / Der Spaeher, DIRT, TrojanCow
2001 UDP wizard curry
2002 TCP globe  TransScout
2002 UDP globe  Peer-to-peer UDP DDoS (PUD)
2003 TCP   TransScout, TransmissionScout
2004 TCP mailbox  TranScout, TransScout
2004 UDP emce CCWS mm conf
2005 TCP berknet  TransScout
2005 UDP oracle
2006 TCP invokator
2006 UDP raid-cd raid
2007 TCP dectalk
2007 UDP raid-am
2008 TCP conf
2008 UDP terminaldb
2009 TCP news
2009 UDP whosockami
2010 TCP search
2010 UDP pipe_server
2011 TCP raid-cc raid
2011 UDP servserv
2012 TCP ttyinfo
2012 UDP raid-ac
2013 TCP raid-am
2013 UDP raid-cd
2014 TCP troff
2014 UDP raid-sf
2015 TCP cypress
2015 UDP raid-cs
2016 TCP bootserver
2016 UDP bootserver
2017 TCP cypress-stat
2017 UDP bootclient
2018 TCP terminaldb
2018 UDP rellpack
2019 TCP whosockami
2019 UDP about
2020 TCP xinupageserver  Backdoor.Rockse
2020 UDP xinupageserver
2021 TCP servexec
2021 UDP xinuexpansion1
2022 TCP down
2022 UDP xinuexpansion2
2023 TCP xinuexpansion3  PassRipper, Ripper Pro, RipperPro
2023 UDP xinuexpansion3



- iana : Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry

