[오픈소스] Nagios XI Installation
Nagios XI Installation
Downloading the Latest Release
cd /tmp
wget http://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagiosxi/xi-latest.tar.gz
Installing XI From The Installation Archive
tar xzf xi-latest.tar.gz
Installation Steps
cd /tmp/nagiosxi
This will automatically take care of a number of things for you, including
• Modifying the yum configuration and installing prerequisite packages
• Creating required uses and groups
• Initializing PostgreSQL and MySQL databases, and set the MySQL root password to 'nagiosxi'
• Modifying sudoers and iptables to allow certain commands and traffic
• Installing backup scripts for the databases
• Adjusting PHP settings and installing the SourceGuardian PHP loaders for encrypted files
• Compiling and installing various components, including Nagios Core, the plugins, NDOUtils, PNP, webinject, etc.
• Installing the Nagios XI scripts and PHP files in /usr/local/nagiosxi
• Installing cron jobs for the root and nagios users
• Setting appropriate services to start in runlevels 3 and 5 and starting them now
• Importing base object definitions (templates, commands, etc.) into NagiosQL for use with Nagios Core
• Installing a welcome page in the root webserver directory /var/www/html
Nagios XI – Manual Installation Instructions
Administrator Guide(System Configuration)