
CentOS 7에서 SoftEther VPN 클라이언트를 설치하는 방법-2

변군이글루 2020. 12. 30. 09:56

CentOS 7에서 SoftEther VPN 클라이언트를 설치하는 방법

1. EPEL 저장소 설치

CentOS 7에서 SoftEther VPN 클라이언트를 설치하기 위해 EPEL 저장소 (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux)를 설치하면 편리합니다.

sudo yum install epel-release

2. 필수 라이브러스 설치

sudo yum install -y gcc zlib-devel openssl-devel readline-devel ncurses-devel

SoftEther VPN Client 설치


SoftEther VPN 클라이언트 아이피 할당(매뉴얼)

dhclient 프로세스 제거

killadd dhclient

아이피 할당

ifconfig vpn_tun0

라우팅 테이블 추가

route add -host gw
route add -host gw

계정 상태 확인

  • vpncmd/client localhost
  • AccountStatusGet DVPN
/usr/local/src/vpnclient/vpncmd /client localhost
$ /usr/local/src/vpnclient/vpncmd /client localhost
vpncmd command - SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility
SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility (vpncmd command)
Version 4.34 Build 9745   (English)
Compiled 2020/04/05 23:39:56 by buildsan at crosswin
Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project. All Rights Reserved.

Connected to VPN Client "localhost".

VPN Client>AccountStatusGet DVPN
AccountStatusGet command - Get Current VPN Connection Setting Status
Item                                      |Value
VPN Connection Setting Name               |DVPN
Session Status                            |Connection Completed (Session Established)
VLAN ID                                   |-
Server Name                               |
Port Number                               |TCP Port 443
Server Product Name                       |SoftEther VPN Server (64 bit)
Server Version                            |4.34
Server Build                              |Build 9745
Connection Started at                     |2020-12-30 (Wed) 09:17:57
First Session has been Established since  |2020-12-30 (Wed) 09:17:57
Current Session has been Established since|2020-12-30 (Wed) 09:17:57
Number of Established Sessions            |1 Times
Half Duplex TCP Connection Mode           |No (Full Duplex Mode)
VoIP / QoS Function                       |Enabled
Number of TCP Connections                 |2
Maximum Number of TCP Connections         |2
Encryption                                |Enabled (Algorithm: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384)
Use of Compression                        |No (No Compression)
Physical Underlay Protocol                |Standard TCP/IP (IPv4)
                                          |IPv4 UDPAccel_Ver=2 ChachaPoly_OpenSSL UDPAccel_MSS=1309
UDP Acceleration is Supported             |Yes
UDP Acceleration is Active                |Yes
Session Name                              |SID-VPN_USER-13
Connection Name                           |CID-44
Session Key (160 bit)                     |DA22EBA9DA346D9977603E1828D0C0D69602F874
Bridge / Router Mode                      |No
Monitoring Mode                           |No
Outgoing Data Size                        |3,152 bytes
Incoming Data Size                        |4,538 bytes
Outgoing Unicast Packets                  |1 packets
Outgoing Unicast Total Size               |78 bytes
Outgoing Broadcast Packets                |8 packets
Outgoing Broadcast Total Size             |816 bytes
Incoming Unicast Packets                  |1 packets
Incoming Unicast Total Size               |86 bytes
Incoming Broadcast Packets                |31 packets
Incoming Broadcast Total Size             |2,608 bytes
The command completed successfully.

기동 스크립트

vpnstart.sh 편집

vim vpnstart.sh
$ vim vpnstart.sh

/usr/local/src/vpnclient/vpnclient start

/usr/local/src/vpnclient/vpncmd /client localhost /cmd AccountConnect DVPN

ifconfig vpn_tun0
#dhclient vpn_tun0

route add -host gw
route add -host gw

vpnstop.sh 편집

vim vpnstop.sh
$ vim vpnstop.sh

/usr/local/src/vpnclient/vpncmd /client localhost /cmd AccountDisconnect DVPN

/usr/local/src/vpnclient/vpnclient stop


SoftEther VPN 클라이언트를 CentOS 7에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 필요한 VPN 서버 구성 및 연결 설정을 마무리하고 원격 VPN 서버에 연결할 수 있게 될 것입니다.

